Summer hacking accessories for safety are a riding essential! It may not feel too much like summer at the moment, especially with the drizzly weather, but it DEFINITELY is! As the month’s fly by, soon it will be Autumn which brings a chill to the air and the guarantee of rain. Therefore, summer is an unmissable opportunity to enjoy hacking in better weather, bringing with it a whole host of training and health benefits for your horse. That’s why, here at Everything Horse Cheshire, we have put together some summer hacking accessories for safety, to get you in the mood for a ride outside!
With the BHS reporting over 800 incidents horse riding incident on the UK’s road in 2018, the need for safety has never been more vital whilst hacking. However, it is not only whilst riding on the road that rider’s must consider their own and their horse’s visibility. If something unfortunate, such as a fall, were to happen whilst riding in secluded spaces, being highly visible is essential for rapid identification of you and your horse! With a whole host of Cheshire hacking opportunities, these summer hacking accessories for safety will ensure peace of mind, simultaneously keeping you safe and cool!
Summer Hi Vis…
High visibility clothing and accessories are essential all year round. As summer brings with it busier roads, there is the increased chance of running into a few rude drivers along the way. Although it may be brighter, and the days longer, high-visibility clothing and accessories are still vital to ensure you and your horse are seen on the roads.
Ideally, we would like to kit our horses out head to toe in hi-vis equipment, making sure we stand out by a mile. This could call for a hi-viz exercise sheet, but in the warmer weather it could mean that ridden exercise becomes extremely uncomfortable for your horse. Therefore, opting for an alternative of a high-vis saddle pad and other accessories, is the way to go during the warmer months of the year.
For the ultimate stand-out saddle cloth, try the HyVIZ Reflector Comfort Pad. Or for a more understated look, the LeMieux Hi-Vis GP Square Saddlepad is perfect!
Did you know some insurance companies won’t cover you whilst out hacking, without a full set of reflective boots? For summer hacking, we recommended the lightweight, Equisafety Leg Boot Wraps. They come in a range of colours to pick from, including yellow, orange, and pink. Plus, one size fits all!
Essential Rider Accessories…
Not only is hi-vis an essential for your horse, but it is a rider hacking essential too! Wearing a hi-vis is important wherever your hacking, from busy roads to un-inhabited moors. Research by the Ministry of Defence has shown that helicopter pilots can see someone in hi-vis gear up to half a mile sooner than those without. Therefore, if you were unfortunate to fall during your hack, you would be easier and quicker to identify!
For a cool, lightweight reflective tabard, try the Equisafety Lightweight Body Harness.
Whilst out hacking, it is also essential that somebody knows where you are and you are able to get in contact with someone. This doesn’t mean having to drag your brand new phone out with you, only to risk getting smashed! Invest in a small, cheap phone, just for emergency calls.
But in summer hacking gear, where do you store your phone whilst riding? Get your hands on a belt bag! This means you can still enjoy the summer polo shirts and riding tights, without the worry of no pockets. We love the lightweight, compact design of the #DoYourFitness Belt Pouch. It won’t get in the way of riding, however it is just big enough to store the essentials, such as your keys and phone. Plus it comes in a range of colours!
Lastly, make sure you’re protected from fly bites too, with Smidge That Midge Insect Repellent. We often dose our horses up with some of the best fly sprays, forgetting about ourselves, but nobody wants to go home covered in itchy hives!
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