Becoming A Confident Horse Rider

Mounting an ex-racehorse requires training to stand still

Becoming a confident horse rider is not easy. When it comes down to being a confidence in the saddle, two things can affect your outlook; your ability and your mindset. After time off riding, you might feel as though the reset button has been well and truly hit regarding your previous boldness in the saddle. So, what can we do to get back to our courageous riding ways? Tackling the Ability Barrier No matter how much time you have had away from the saddle, you horse knowledge is still in…...

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How To Hit The Centre Of A Fence Every Time

Jump 4 joy wishing well horse jumping over xc fence

Struggling to hit the centre of your fence when jumping? It’s a common mistake riders encounter, putting crucial seconds on the clock, risking faults, and compromising the effectiveness of their jump. However, we’re here to make sure you’re always on target with advice on how to hit the centre of a fence every time! Straight From the Get Go… Focus on straightness from the outset! If you want a straight approach to the jump, make sure your horse has the foundations down first, including rhythm, balance and responsiveness to aids.…...

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3 tips to riding a 20m circle

riding a circle and straigh line during a dressage test British Riding Clubs Livestream

Riding a perfect 20m circle sounds fairly simple. However, it is a manoeuvre where a lot of riders lose crucial points in their dressage tests. Riding a perfect circle is the foundation of equitation. Present in dressage tests all the way up the levels and a vital move in showjumping, cracking the perfect circle could put you in favour of a podium position. So, to help, we’ve put together some pointers to get you on your way to circle perfection! Bend One of the most common errors riders make when…...

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Horse Flies: What’s The Issue?

Horse Flies what's the issue

All equines encounter horse flies during spring, summer, and early autumn. Horse flies bite and can cause irritation to horses, and they are also responsible for carrying disease and bacteria throughout herds. Horse flies present the major problems of; Therefore, horse owners should do everything possible to prevent horse fly populations surrounding their horses. Types of Horse Flies There are different types of horse flies that affect horses in different ways. Here are some ways you can prevent the different types of horse fly from causing a problem to your…...

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Sunburn In Horses: Everything You Need To Know

Three horses, a gray, a bay, and a chestnut grazing in a pasture with a split-rail fence and trees in the background on a sunny day.

Summer sees the onset of blue skies, bright days, and longer turnout times. However, sunny days are unpredictable in the UK climate, meaning it’s easy to forget adequate sun protection for ourselves and our horses. To keep your horse in the sun for longer and reap the benefits of hacking and turnout, we’ve created a guide for everything you need to know about sunburn in horses. What is sunburn? Sunburn causes redness, swelling, and peeling of the skin, much like in humans. The area will cause a degree of discomfort…...

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5 Top Hoof Oils For Horses

Maintaining hoof condition is important for protecting joints from injury

Looking for top hoof oils, suited to your summer hoof care needs? We’ve got you covered with oils for every hoof care routine! From weather protection to day-to-day use, these products ensure the best quality hooves this summer! When picking up a hoof oil up for your horse, you’ll need to pay close attention to the label of each one you find on the shelves. Often, each type can have different purposes, for example, some offer moisture protection while others other nourishment. Here we take a look at a selection…

Best Lightweight Stable Rugs for Horses

best lightweight stable rug

Lightweight stable rugs for horses come in all shapes and sizes. Each horse’s requirements vary depending on breeding, age, coat, workload and condition. However, at one point or another, you’ll find your horse needs a lightweight rug to wear in their stable. In this horse wardrobe essential edit, check out the best lightweight stable rugs for horses and ponies. This article contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and purchase a product, we may earn a commission. With this in mind, we will only link…

Sweet Itch in horses: causes, treatment and prevention

Image of a horse in a sweet itch rug including face mask for Sweet Itch in Horses article on Everything Horse

Sweet itch, also known as Summer Seasonal Recurrent Dermatitis or Culicoides Hypersensitivity, is a prevalent skin condition in horses caused by allergic reactions to Culicoides midge saliva. The skin’s reaction results in intense and prolonged itching, causing hair loss, skin inflammation and open wounds, significantly impacting a horse’s comfort. It is essential for horse owners to understand its causes and management strategies to alleviate its effects and ensure their equine companions’ well-being. Treating sweet itch may seem like a never-ending battle. Treating the condition early by commencing a suitable treatment…...

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Is Hacking As Good As Turnout?

Is hacking out as good as turnout? Image of two horses and their riders

Is hacking as good as turnout? Find out more in this article which looks at the benefits to help you make healthy decisions for your horse.

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How To Protect Your Horse’s Joints

How To Protect Your Horse’s Joints

Are you doing enough to protect your horse’s joints? Joint health is key to every horse performing and feeling at their best, from companion to Olympic athlete! But, with numerous daily factors impacting equine joints, what should horse owners be doing to protect these delicate structures? Incorporating the best management techniques is a step in the right direction to supporting equine joints. In this article, we investigate best management practices and products to support equine joints. Managing Nutrition To protect your horse’s joints, first consider whether their diet supports good…...

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Why is everything with horses done from the left?

Ever wonder why everything with horses is done from the left? Starting every task from the left-hand side of our horses has been drilled into our routine ever since we began to ride or handle horses. Leading from the left. Tacking up from the left. Grooming from the left. Although we carry out this routine, have you ever stopped to wonder why everything with horses is done from the left? Instincts Horses have monocular vision, as their eyes are placed on the side of their heads. Monocular vision means the…

Schooling Exercises For Horses

Schooling exercises for your horse image of a horse being ridden in a snaffle bridle

Here are some schooling exercises for horses that are suitable for all riders to do at home, especially when you are short on time. You’ll need 30-40 minutes and you’ll have completed a worth while schooling session rather than just cruising around the arena with no actual plan to a productive outcome. WARM-UP: 5 – 10 minutes Before moving on to your schooling exercises, you’ll need to warm up. Your warm-up should build through the paces you want to use in the main body of your session, which is usually…...

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Equine Obesity: The horse owners part in the problem

Feeding the overweight horse

Equine obesity is now considered an equine welfare crisis by many leading animal charities in the UK. With the rise of equine obesity across a nation of horse-lovers, why are we facing an equine obesity problem? This article starts off by looking at the dangers of obesity in horses before looking at the horse owners’ part in the problem. The Dangers of Obesity in Horses With one study finding that less than 1% of horse owners perceived weight gain as an issue, the dangers of obesity are more of a…...

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How To Keep A Grey Horse Clean Whilst Turned Out

How To Keep A Grey Horse Clean Whilst Turned Out Here is how to keep a grey horse clean whilst turned out. In the warmer weather, rugs are peeled off, and the challenge to keep a grey horse clean whilst turned out officially begins! With a grey horse, you inevitably spend plenty of time bathing and scrubbing them until they’re bright white, only to watch your hard work ruined in a matter of seconds with turnout. Although grooming boasts so many benefits, how can we keep a grey horse clean during…...

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Glucosamine Dosage For Horses

Glucosamine Dosage For Horses

What is the correct Glucosamine dosage for horses? Needing enough to be effective, yet not too much for it to go to waste, or worse, be unsafe. Here we untangle how much Glucosamine horses actually need in their diet. What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine is an essential component of normal, healthy articular cartilage in horses and humans. Covering the ends of bones when they come together to form joints, healthy articular cartilage is crucial for smooth, functioning joints for movement and performance. Glucosamine for horses is an indispensable supplement, especially for…...

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How To Stop Jump Refusals

How to stop jump refusals horse and rider jumping at a show

How To Stop Your Horse Refusing Jumps Stop jump refusals in their tracks, with our simple, problem-solving guide! Jump refusals and how riders deal with them can be a make-or-break situation for both the horse and the rider’s confidence. Whilst some riders begin to worry, others can become frustrated and angry at the occurrence. However you feel when your horse stops at a fence, the importance of understanding the problem and finding a tailored route to help both you and your horse back on the road to confidence should be…...

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Types of horse bits and their uses

types of horse bit

Understanding and identifying the different types of horse bits can be tricky, and bitting your horse with one that enhances performance can seem impossible. With horse bits, it’s important to factor in what will ensure you work well as a partnership but not come at the cost of comfort or distress when riding.  In this article, we look at some of today’s most popular bits for horses, their features and how they work with your horse so you can get the best out of your horse or pony. Remember, bitting…...

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How To Build Your Horse A Fitness Plan

Riding Centres Under Threat

Build your horse a fitness plan with this quick and easy guide. We take a look at how you can schedule an effective programme for improving your horse’s performance and help reduce the chance of injury. Before You Begin Before you begin your horse’s fitness plan, he or she should be given a general health check. This is an ideal time to: First Things First If you’re starting from scratch, take a look at our guide to bringing your horse back into work. However, if you’re upping the intensity or…...

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Should you wash mud off horses’ legs?

should you wash mud of horses legs? Horses stood at gate in a field

The question ‘should you wash mud off horses’ legs’ is a heavily debated on every yard. Tackling mud is a tricky one with horses, as we strive to keep our horses clean but also their health in tip-top shape. In a constant battle against the weather, you’ll never find a horse owner too far away from a stiff dandy brush in an attempt to scrub away layers of mud. We took a closer look to see which is better for our horse’s health, well-being and appearance, plus we found some…...

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Veteran Health During the Winter

Veteran Horse Health During Winter

Veteran horse health during winter is a balancing act. For veteran horses or ponies, winter can be tough and presents owners with a challenge to ensure that they come through to spring in good condition. Horses and particularly ponies, can live active lives well into their twenties and beyond, defying the age bracket where traditionally we would have classed them as a veteran. As they age at different rates, feeding, exercise and general management regime may then differ for each case. For example, some will need their level of exercise reduced…...

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Stephen Fry Voices Redwings Christmas Animation

Stephen Fry Voices Redwings Christmas Animation

Stephen Fry voices Redwings Christmas animation, as the charity launch it’s latest festive tale. Last year, Redwings released a short animation narrated by Stephen Fry, the popular broadcaster. Blind Clydesdale, Boo, was reading the story and the animation was viewed by 225,000 people online. This year’s animation takes supporters back to the beginning of Redwings. Looking back to 1984, where it all began, and taking viewers on a journey of transformation into a national charity, the animation shows how Redwings has grown to care for more than 1,500 rescued horses and…

Changes to Highway Code Secure Safer Horse Riding on Roads

App Allows Riders To Instantly Report Road Incidents

Changes to the Highway Code secure safer horse riding on roads, with an amendment set to be enforced in January 2022. In the new version of the Highway Code there will be a “hierarchy of road users”. The hierarchy will be based on the principle that those who have the ability to cause the greatest harm, have the greatest responsibility. Changes to the Highway Code include pedestrians, highlighting children and the elderly, at the top of the hierarchy. This will be followed by cyclist and horse rider, with HGV’s and…

Writtle University Award Honorary Degrees to Equestrian Stars

Khadijah Mellah, Justine Harrison, and Ros Canter - WUC Honorary graduates

Writtle University award honorary degrees to three outstanding members of the equestrian sector, as their 2021 graduation ceremony got underway. On October 29th, Ros Canter, Justine Harrison and Khadijah Mellah attended Writtle’s first in-person graduation ceremony since 2019. The event, held at Chelmsford’s historic Cathedral, celebrated both the success of the classes of 2020 and 2021 and highlighted Ros, Justine and Khadijah’s impressive achievements. WUC’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tim Middleton, explained: We were delighted to confer honorary awards as part of our graduation ceremony. Khadijah Mellah, Justine Harrison and Ros Canter…

INTERVIEW Emily King on Bouncing Back

Emily King Interview

We were thrilled to interview Emily King who kindly found time in her very busy schedule to speak to us at Everything Horse. We chatted about big changes to her life and career and how she has coped through them. Talking about the everyday and into the future, we get to know more about the rider behind the name; Emily King! More recently, you made the move from Devon to Cheshire. Are there any differences on between the two locations for training and competing? I moved up to North Wales/Cheshire…...

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