BEF Praised For Gender Equality

BEF praised for gender diversity

BEF Praised For Gender Diversity

The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) has been praised on it’s progress in gender diversity, during the FEI Sports Forum on 15th April 2019.

The BEF was praised in the opening session of the forum, regarding gender equality. Noticed for having increasingly more women in “decision-making’ roles, the body was commended for its progress. Leading the field, the BEF was an example of how other governing bodies within the sport should be acting.

Female representation in governance is statistically low across global organisations, including those involved with equestrianism. Horse-riding is the fourth largest sport for female participation, with 85% of participants being female. Also, equestrian sport is the only Olympic and Paralympic discipline where men and women compete on equal terms. Despite high female involvement within the sport, this hasn’t changed the dynamic of the roles in the industry.

During the FEI forum, BEF chairman Mohamed Elsakry highlighted the gender diversity within the BEF team. Seven out of twelve of the BEF’s board members are women. Also, females make up at least 40% of the body’s committees.

Elsakry also went on to highlight the BEF’s work surrounding their Diversity Action Plan. The plan outlines initiatives surrounding recruitment, engagement, and talent diversity within the BEF’s structure of governance. Following the plan hopes to see the organisation of the path to achieving the Advanced Equality Standard.

Inspiring other bodies to follow the BEF’s lead, Elsakry stated;

Leadership is important. The biggest obstacle to get to where you want to be is your own bias. Take your bias away in order to be fair. The structure of our board allowed us to do that”.

Caitlin Kraft-Buchman from Women@Table also praised the BEF’s work in gender equality. Women@Table is an organisation working to accelerate gender equality at the head of businesses and organisations.

Congratulating the BEF’s efforts, Kraft-Buchmann commented;

Congratulations, because that is incredible, incredible progress in 2 years – without very visible leadership and genuine commitment like this nothing happens. Without a plan nothing happens.”


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