Top Reasons Why You Should Buy a Horse

Top Reasons Why You Should Buy a Horse

Owning a horse is certainly more complicated than adopting a feline or a reptile as these majestic creatures require your full attention, and plenty of space to stretch and run. Even if you cannot afford to have your own horse, you should try to make contact with these animals as often as possible – and here are the main reasons why.

They offer great exercise

Forget about your monthly subscription to the gym. Visit a stable as often as you can and you’ll get all the training you need to stay active and work your body. Between training, feeding, grooming, and riding the horse, you’ll end up spending hours outside, enjoying the fresh air, and working on all your muscle groups.

This type of activity will not only help you stay fit but will also force you to lose a few pounds naturally by simply running after the animal or with it. Even getting on a horse requires physical strength, so we believe there is no better way to spend time outdoors than to look after a horse.

They represent an opportunity for responsibility

Another reason why you should consider owning or looking after a horse is that they can help anyone become more responsible. Sure, looking after any other pet requires time and attention but a horse is different than a fish or a bird.

They are considered one of the most intelligent and elegant animals, which means they demand special care. Their stables need to be constantly cleaned and their hair needs to be brushed and groomed accordingly. Their feet also require special care and they need to follow a strict diet to avoid diseases and injuries.

If you think you’re up to the challenge, a horse will reward you with its loyalty and friendship. It is important to start understanding a horse’s behavior as young as possible so, if you have kids, you need to bring them around these animals from the earliest stages of their lives. This way, they will observe the animals and learn to understand their peculiar characters so they can later cater to their needs.

Horses represent an opportunity for responsibility
Horses represent an opportunity for responsibility

They provide mental stimulation

As we previously mentioned, horses are considered amongst the most intelligent creatures, so you should never underestimate their minds. Living close to them or observing them for a long while will help you realize that they have the same emotions as humans and react to similar stimuli.

They can be extremely stubborn but loving at the same time, meaning that training them will require patience and calm. However, being near them will most likely help you overcome your fears and give you a feeling of complete freedom whenever riding them.

They can be good listeners and companions, which makes them the perfect partners for stimulating your mind and helping you work on your fears and problems.

They make great friends

Horses represent the perfect companions for introverts or those who don’t have it easy making new friends. Whether you just moved to the city or are going through a difficult personal time and feel like spending your days away from humans, horses are there for you.

They are as loyal as dogs when treated well and will return the favour by letting you ride them and play with them. Believe it or not, horses are amongst the friendliest animals but they can easily sense fear too, which means they might get a little anxious and nervous around you, especially if you feel the same.

Horses make great friends
Horses make great friends

Remember to not make any sudden moves and build your trust step by step. Allow the horse to feel like it’s in control and make the first step. Once you are confident enough around the animal, you will become best friends.

What’s even better is that they usually get along with other animals too, especially if they were raised together. As odd as it may seem, horses can easily bond with all types of animals, including ducks, chickens, pigs, cows, and dogs.

One way to ensure horses get along well with your dog is to let them play and eat together. Serve your pooch its favorite food from Hills while offering the horse delicious treats like oats and carrots. Since horses are herbivorous, they won’t try to steal the dog’s food, which will make them bond easier.

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