Livery Yard 101 – What to ask and consider when looking at livery yards Have you ever arrived for a viewing at a livery yard and found yourself overwhelmed with everything you need to take in? Do you fail to think of essential questions that need to be asked so you can make a well-informed decision on whether or not it’s suitable for your horse? If so, it’s perfectly natural and our Livery Yard 101 article is here to help. In this feature, we ask the experts at LIVERYLive to…

Suzanne Ashton: BA (Hons) in Marketing Management, Diploma in Equine Studies, B.E.M.A Member. An entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in marketing, publishing, content curation, editing, and media writing. Avid equestrian, riding since the age of 5 and owning horses for over 35 years. Proud mum to humans, dogs, and a horse.