NEW Horseshoe Wine Bottle and Glass Holder

Get ready this summer with the Horseshoe Hearts perfect accessory for outside entertaining – The innovative Horseshoe Wine Bottle and Glass Holder. Whether you’re off to the polo with a marvellous spread, watching a classic Shakespeare play in the great outdoors, or just fancy a big posh picnic in your very own garden. 

Horseshoe Hearts hand-forge stunning bespoke gifts, and homewares from horseshoes at their base in rural Hertfordshire. The company produces an array of beautiful products that are just perfect for people with a love of horses, or the iconic ‘lucky horseshoe’.

Horseshoe Hearts hand-forge stunning bespoke gifts, and homewares from horseshoes at their base in rural Hertfordshire. The company produces an array of beautiful products that are just perfect for people with a love of horses, or the iconic ‘lucky horseshoe’.
Horseshoe Hearts hand-forge stunning bespoke gifts – Horseshoe Wine Bottle and Glass Holder

Crafted from used, as well as new horseshoes, the Wine Bottle and Glass Holder is a seriously attractive and smart way to ensure that your carefully chosen and perfectly chilled bottle stays safe and stable.

‘Used horseshoes are the only way to guarantee good luck you see, as the luck is ‘struck’ into the shoe with each footfall of the horse’

Your bottle of choice sits in the middle, with four glass holders positioned attractively around the edge. Regardless of whether you’ll be seated or standing at your summer event, you will be able to stow your glass and the all-important bottle safely. 


The small Horseshoe Wine Bottle and Glass Holder (£49.00 and with a single spike to push in the ground) stands at 65cm so is ideal for when you are settled into a chair or reclining on a picnic blanket in the sunshine.

The tall Horseshoe Wine Bottle and Glass Holder (£58.00 and with a double spike to ensure stability for the bottle and glasses at a greater height) stands at 95cm, meaning the bottles and glass will be positioned at hand height for those who are standing or cooking at a barbeque.  

Great as a wedding present, birthday gift or to celebrate a special occasion. For more information visit Horseshoe Hearts website for the full range of gifts.

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