What type of Horse Owner are you?

WHat type of horse owner are you

What type of Horse Owner are you?

Whether horse ownership is new to you or you have had horses for years, there’s several types of horse owner! Here we have listed a few for you to consider what type of horse owner you are…

The Neurotic Owner

You visit the horse on average three times a day.

The last time the horses coat felt air was when it was born as you have a rug for every occasion.

You have boxes for everything! Grooming kit, plaiting kit, first aid kit, supplements, new brushes, old brushes, special ‘showing only’ brushes, boots, you get the picture.

You call the yard owner or manager to make sure they have locked up correctly every night.

You don’t or can’t take a holiday as no one else would understand your routine.

You have more haynets than items of underwear! Colour coded for the different days of the week.

Your horses bed is spotless! You have a pair of rubber gloves to poo pick, you turn all your banks every day and fully muck out each and every time the horse has been even near his stable. It’s that flat you could take a spirit level to it.

You have a square diameter of stable yard outside your box or boxes that is religiously brushed.

You take your horses temperature and other vital stats daily.

You accurately measure out every feed with scoops, scales and measuring jugs.

You’ve trained your horse to pee in the field before entering the stable (this has actually been done!).

Your horse has a cut, out comes the vet!.

Your horse’s mane is exactly 4 inch’s long.

and the list goes on!


Old School Owner

Staple items in your grooming kit are purple spray or iodine spray, x1 grooming brush, metal curry comb, main comb and dandy brush.

Your horses turnout is an old-fashioned New Zealand with no leg straps and a leather buckle fastening.

Your water buckets are black, you bought them from the local DIY store 15-years-ago.

Sugar-beet, bran and Oats are the only way to go.


Throw Caution to the Wind Owner

I have a horse….oh that’s nice, where did I put it again.


The Horsey Hoarder Owner

Your tack room is a complete mess.

You have one to many horses, in fact you’ve been banned from buying any more.

You have every rug you’ve ever bought hung between two pieces of bailing twine.

You have horse shoes from every horse you’ve ever owned lined up in the tack shed.

Saddles gather dust, bridles fill plastic draws and you have one to many bits.

You rarely use to the bottom of your ‘mane and tail’ spray opening another before getting to the end….thus ending up with a small collection clogging up your already over-stocked grooming kit.

You keep broken lead ropes and headcollars in the hope one day they’ll come into use somehow. You’ve lost count of how many broken or unused water buckets you have.

You have hundreds of plaiting bands and body brushes, you can never have to many.

Yard chums always come to you when they need something, your like the local tack shop.

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