Racing Industry Suspends Regumate Use

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Racing Industry Suspends Regumate®Use

The racing industry has been advised to suspend the use of medication, Regumate® Equine after traces of a banned steroid were identified in numerous samples.

Regumate® is a medication commonly used in performance mares. The medication, containing a synthetic progesterone hormone, suppresses the mare’s oestrus cycle, which can be linked to “mare-ish” behaviours.

The British Horse Authority (BHA) requested the analysis of European samples of Regumate®, after Australian samples were found to contain traces of an anabolic steroid.

The samples, from several different batches of Regumate® Equine 2.2mg/ml Oral Solution For Horses (MSD Animal Health), were tested at LGC Laboratories, which work in partnership with the BHA.

Results from the European sample batch test have detected trace elements of trendione. Trendione is a “Prohibited At All Times Substance” under Schedule G, in the BHA’s Equine Anti-Doping Manual. Possession, use, or attempted use of the steroid would result in a financial penalty or a period of disqualification in horse racing.

Upon the results of the investigation, the BHA issued a notice to advise the racing industry;

Due to the above results detecting the presence of trendione in Regumate® Equine, the BHA would advise that the possession, use or attempted use, and administration or attempted administration of Regumate® Equine could amount to breaches of the Rules of Racing. “

“As such, at this time, we would advise trainers and other industry participants to remove Regumate® Equine from all licensed premises, and not to administer this product.

The BHA are continuing to work to gain a “greater understanding” of the issue and updated information will be provided, once available.

The BHA notice has left rider’s of all disciplines questioning their current use of the product, in fear of accidentally administering a banned substance.

However, under FEI legislation, Regumate® has been permitted for use since 2003, and Trenidone is not a banned substance. Although trenbolone, which was found in Australian samples of the medication, is a drug currently banned under FEI law.

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