Equestrian Community Backs Rainbow Laces Campaign

rainbow laces

Equestrian Community Backs Rainbow Laces Campaign

Equestrian figures and organisations have announced their support of Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces Campaign.

Stonewall is the UK’s leading LGBT equality charity, with the Rainbow Lace Campaign being set up to celebrate and support LGBT equality and inclusivity within sports, including equestrian sport.

In 2017, the campaign reached its highest level of support, distributing 75,000 pairs of rainbow laces, nationwide. However, this year the charity are challenging even more sporting fans and athletes to become ‘active allies’ and support those in the LGBT community who feel excluded from sport.

More than 20 sporting associations, including the BEF, have pledged their support for the campaign. The incredible amount of support shown this year has resulted in an extension of the campaign period to a duration of three weeks, running from 17th November to 7th December 2018.

Recognising the growing support, Stonewall’s Director of Sport, Kirsty Clarke, announced;

It’s great to see UK sport banding together in the biggest ever show of support for LGBT people in sport.

“So many sports wanted to take part this year we had to extend the campaign from a week to three weeks and that just shows what an appetite there is for positive change across the sporting world.”

“But it can’t just be the national bodies making this statement. We need every sports fan to do the same and commit to stand up as an ally to LGBT people in their sport and beyond.”

Support has already been spread across social media, Equestrian Team GBR changing their logo colours from the traditional red, white and blue to the colours of the rainbow. The team’s social media has also shared how you can creatively incorporate the laces into your horses plaits, and has spread messages of support form top-level riders.

To find out more information on the Rainbow Laces Campaign visit; www.stonewall.org.uk


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