Time Management On The Yard

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Time management on the yard is essential to ensure you get all your daily tasks done – not only the equestrian ones! So we’ve put together some top tips to get your daily yard routine faster and slicker than ever!

Split Your Duties

You and your yard fiends can do half-yard duties by helping one another out! Simply alternating morning and evening duties between you and a friend can free up hours of your day!

If you’re wanting to get the yard done in a flash, but still want to be there morning and night, allocating tasks may be the way to go! This saves time by taking precious seconds away from the queuing for the hose pipe, to taking those multiple trips across the yard. Focusing on on task in hand, you can get in the zone and begin your day on the dot.

For example; one person could change rugs, whilst the other fills water buckets.


Be Ahead Of The Game

If you’re on your own, you can put some steps in place for a slick morning and evening routine; however, preparation is key!

The night before, make sure the next morning’s feeds and forage are ready to go in. If your horse is turned out, making sure stables are ready to come into is the perfect time saving hack – it means you can spend longer out and about without the worry of yard chores to come back to!


Tight for time? Don’t spend time trimming your horse’s mane and tail, whilst you still need to muck out and ride! During busier periods of the year, make sure you get your priorities straight. Put your essential tasks first – smaller, more un-necessary tasks can wait for another day!

What Can You Change?

Take a hard look at your routine – what takes up a considerable amount of time?

If filling haynets is slowing you down, swap for a hay bar or try putting hay on the floor instead. If your water hose is letting you down, maybe it’s time to invest in a new one or experimenting with water butts to fill up your buckets. Alternatively, you could compromise with some multitasking, such as brushing the yard or mucking out whilst water buckets are filling. Remember time is the one thing that cannot be bought!