The Society of Master Saddlers Announce a Host of Training Courses
The Society of Master Saddlers has announced a host of training courses, refresher days and skill building modules for 2019.
April 17, 2019: Challenging Fits and Practical Solutions
A one day module, being held on April 17 at East Durham College. Suitable for saddle fitters and saddlers of all experience.
The course will look at difficult to fit horses while discussing and assessing suitable solutions.
The day will include a range of interactive and practical saddle fitting sessions looking at challenging fits and what to do when things go wrong.
April 18, 2019: Flocking to Fit Course
Taking place at Brinsbury College in Sussex, delegates will work in pairs, assessing saddles on horses and carrying out suitable adjustments under the guidance of Master Saddler tutors. The day is open to all Qualified or Master Saddlers and those who hold the Society’s flocking qualification
May 2, 2019: The Tool Sharpening and Maintenance Course
Held at Cirencester Saddlers, for members the day will cover, different types of knives and how to sharpen and restore, new stitching awls, skirt shaves, backing awls and plough gauge knives. The lecturers are Mark Romain and Laurence Pearman.
June 11, 2019: Harness Fitting Day
The day, which will take place at Littlewood Farm, Chawston, Bedfordshire, will include fitting single harness, fitting pairs harness and an opportunity to see harness on the move in two and four wheel carriages
Advanced Bridle Techniques for Bridle & Harness is the focus of another one day craft module for members and takes place on Saturday, July 6 at Capel Manor College, Enfield.
The day will include tips on improving finishing, improving stitching and getting stitching straight, edge finishing, how competition judging is done and what the judges are looking for, mbellishment techniques – how to make your piece stand out and get noticed, selecting leathers and fittings
August 12, 2019: Qualified Saddle Fitters’ Refresher Day
The day will be held at Moulton College, and will also include a Manufacturers’ Showcase.
A further ‘Challenging Fits & Practical Solutions’ module 5will take place on August 13, also at Moulton College, 11rthampton.
August 30, 2019: Sewing Machine Maintenance and Skiving Machine
Kenton Barrett of Midlands Industrial Sewing Machines Ltd will give various tips on maintaining and using your sewing machine at Vale Brothers Ltd, Walsall. The day will include:
- Cleaning, Setting tension and Timing issues
- Different types of needles and threads and where they can be used
- Skiving machine and use of seaming attachments
- Accessories including different types of feet and attachments
Members can learn more about Whip Repairs and Attaching Lashes under the watchful eye of Chris Taylor, on the course which takes place on Friday, October 4, at The Saddlery Training Centre in Salisbury.
The day will focus on restoration technique for replacing ends of riding and driving whips and how to plait lashes.
On Thursday, November 14 at Cirencester Saddlers, Chris will take a Leather Carving course with aspects covering preparation of leather prior to tooling, identification of tools and their uses, tracing and transfer of designs to leather, and carving and stamping techniques
For more information visit or contact The Society of Master Saddlers on 01449 711642 to book a place on the courses.

Suzanne Ashton: BA (Hons) in Marketing Management, Diploma in Equine Studies, B.E.M.A Member. An entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in marketing, publishing, content curation, editing, and media writing. Avid equestrian, riding since the age of 5 and owning horses for over 35 years. Proud mum to humans, dogs, and a horse.