Steph Gumn Blog July 2016

Steph Gumn and Axl, Summer 2016
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Steph Gumn Blog July 2016

Steph Gumn: Six month’s into the year already! I have no idea how this has happened. It’s gone a bit different to how I imagined but, I wouldn’t change a thing so far!

Axl is really getting into shows now with a couple of placings under his belt. I’m hoping if we can continue at the rate we are, he will be ready for the national four-year-olds in August.

Steph Gumn and Axl
Steph Gumn and Axl

Nemo has been turned away to mature, I did give him a sneaky loose jump though and wow!!! I think he could be something special but only time will tell.


I’ve had some schooling horses in who have all progressed really well and more due in next month, including another to compete so I am really excited for that.

The show I am organising is going in the right direction and I’ve been working on setting up another business but that’s all in the early stages at the moment.

The only downside is that I finally had my assessment after my fall last year and it’s highly possible that they missed two fractures to my spine, on a positive they will be healed now and with regular Physio my back pain should subside.

Here’s to the next six months!


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