RSPCA Emergency Appeal Launched to Raise Vital Funds

rspca emergency appeal

RSPCA Emergency Appeal Launched to Raise Vital Funds

Equestrian News :: Everything Horse

The RSPCA Emergency Appeal has been launched to help assist the charity care for and to help deal with the increasing number of animal neglect and cruelty cases during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Comedian, Ricky Gervais has thrown his support at the emergency appeal to raise vital funds for RSPCA rescuers to remain on the frontline. Animal rescuers at the RSPCA have been designated key workers by the Government, but vital funding is needed to keep them out on the road, continuing to rescue animals from the worst cruelty and neglect.

Centres and Private Boarding Stables Need Financial Assistance

The RSPCA is currently caring for 842 horses and the number is expected to grow considerably over the coming weeks, as its rescue teams bring in more equines in need.

Harris, who was rescued by the RSPCA March 15, was stuck in freezing water in Marshlands, Kent.

Staff at six centres are focusing on keeping the horses and ponies in their care happy and healthy throughout the crisis. At present the decision has been made, in line with Government advice, to pause rehoming and fostering in which in turn adds more pressure to funding, care centres and their staff.

Since the crisis deepened at the beginning of March, the RSPCA animal cruelty line has already received nearly 60,000 calls.

One of these calls meant rescuers spent 5 hours saving Harris (pictured above), a black colt stuck in freezing water in marshland in Gravesend, Kent on 15 March. The young horse had a huge open wound across his right shoulder, where it appeared he had been impaled on something sharp. RSPCA rescuer Grace Harris-Bridge worked with a vet, police, the fire service and other charity workers to bring the scared and flighty horse out of the mud and into a horsebox. He was taken to a vet for urgent treatment for his wound and is now recovering in RSPCA care in private boarding.

Almost 80% of the horses in the RSPCA’s care (almost 650) are in private boarding stables across England and Wales as there is not enough room in rehoming centres. The charity has announced they will continue to pay for the care of horse horses and ponies throughout the crisis.

Alongside this, the charity is also facing a huge financial strain as it is already seeing the damaging effect of this crisis on its fundraising income, while the costs of saving, treating and caring for animals continue.

RSPCA Inspectorate staff are providing an emergency-only service throughout the lockdown period. Dermot Murphy, Chief Inspectorate Officer, said:

This is a time of national crisis, and many of us are anxious about the future and our loved ones. This crisis has touched all areas of life and the RSPCA is no different. As we all face the biggest challenge of a generation, the RSPCA must continue to be on the frontline, rescuing and caring for the animals who need us most.

We are facing immense challenges and huge pressures on strained resources, but our hugely dedicated teams are out there dealing with emergencies and our centres continue to deliver vital care to thousands of animals, with more expected in the coming weeks.

We know that this is a difficult time for everyone but we must still be here for animals who are suffering and we are appealing for animal lovers to give whatever they can to help us.”

To help the RSPCA keep rescuing animals like these, and keep animal hospitals/centres running for emergency treatment, alongside round the clock care, please donate whatever you can spare at


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