Jayne Turney – From Ponyless Child to Dressage Champion

Jayne and PJ Elite Stallions Champion - image credit Kevin Sparrow

Jayne Turney – From Ponyless Child to Dressage Champion

Jayne Turney has ridden for many years, although it’s only been over the past five the Buckingham based dressage rider has enjoyed significant success in the ring. Fast forward to today, Jayne has two exciting prospects in her wings, making her one to watch in the dressage ring, as a new decade gets underway.

Here we learn of Jayne’s journey from a ponyless child to a dressage champion …

Younger years

As a young girl, for years Jayne would be that child at Christmas going to bed hoping that Santa would deliver a pony for her the next day. Sadly, it wasn’t to be for many years so Jayne’s first horse was technically the stone wall outside of her grandma’s house, which she would sit astride daily, pretending she was ready to embark on a great adventure.

Jayne was eight when she managed to talk her mum into taking her to the local riding school. It was there that she heard the only way to become a real rider, was to fall off seven times. Staying true to her optimistic self, the young Jayne saw this as a fabulous countdown, which made the idea of falling off seem far less daunting!

From then on, Jayne spent many years gaining experience on a variety of horses, all different in shape and size; an experience she credits to now being able to understand the importance of treating every horse as an individual. As a teenager, she competed in all disciplines for both the local pony club and riding club. It was one trainer that spotted her on a bouncy jumping pony, who suggested she entered the British Dressage Talent Spotting competition. Having someone point out that she could excel on the flat spurred Jayne on to take the area a little more seriously. The more she learnt, the more she enjoyed the work, and she was then fortunate to spend a year being enlightened on the world of dressage by being based with Judy Harvey.

Jayne and PJ - Image credit Hoof Prints
Jayne and PJ – Image credit Hoof Prints


Jayne went on to ride and produce show ponies with the Dujardin Show Team – it was there she learnt the art of ring craft and how to use the time in the arena to shine. She spent eight years with the team before returning to the dressage arena once again.

Jayne’s first ‘big’ win came in 2000 when she won the Riding Clubs National Championships on a mare she had backed and produced from a 3-year-old. She not only won her class but also won overall across the four arenas – she was in such shock she asked her mum a number of times to check the results were correct.

It then took a good few years to get placed at the British Dressage Regional Championships, as nerves would get the better of Jayne. But, in 2015 she won two Medium titles at the winter semi-finals on two ex-show horses and she hasn’t looked back since.

The only way is up

Jaynes victories were followed with a win at the summer regionals on Cruz III – or Tom as he is known at home. Tom is just 14.2hh, and in 2015 Jayne was riding and competing him on behalf of Charlotte Dujardin, who owned him at the time. Under the watchful eye of Charlotte and Jayne,  Tom went on to win at the National Championships that summer. This was yet more good news for Jayne, who started to believe that maybe, just maybe, she could be a real competitor on the dressage scene. She knew she had a long way to go, but she was now more determined than ever.

Jayne and Tom First National Win
Jayne and Tom First National Win

A plethora of well-deserved results cam Jayne’s way, with not only Tom but also Penhaligons Jupiter, PJ at home, owned by Shirley and David Rixon. In 2016 PJ and Jayne were crowned Novice Gold Champions at the Winter Nationals with a score over 76% – Jayne had no idea that PJ and Tom would be on the verge of Grand Prix just 4 years later, with more regional and national titles between them than she could count!

Jayne and PJ Elite Stallions Champion - Image credit Kevin Sparrow
Jayne and PJ Elite Stallions Champion – Image credit Kevin Sparrow

Cruz III – aka Tom

Tom and Jayne first met in 2012 after she received a phone call from Charlotte asking if she wanted a new challenge – in the shape of a 3-year-old unbacked pony that was a little wild! Feeling privileged for such an opportunity, Jayne fell in love with Tom before she even laid eyes on him.

Jayne and Tom
Jayne and Tom

Tom was very jumpy and quite sharp, to begin with, but once under saddle, he was a proper professional and seemed to have swallowed the book on how to be a dressage pony. Weekly lessons with Ian Cast soon followed as Jayne wanted to ensure that the pair had the best possible start. He quickly picked up everything and was entered into the SPSS 4-year-old Young Pony Class at Bury Farm High Profile show – which he won with 80% and stood champion across the three age groups. Tom has since qualified for the national championships at every level!

It was last year that Jayne was gifted Tom by Charlotte, as it was evident just how much Jayne cared for this incredible little pony – she’d even suggested going without a car when hers broke down as it was suggested that Tom was sold to fund a new one!


Having previously set up and run her own yard, Jayne now only focusses on riding and teaching after working closely with Jenni Winter-Leach of Flying Changes Coaching. These days Jayne is often found dashing from job to job, doing her best to balance her riding, teaching, training away and competing her own and her owners’ horses.

Although tough, lockdown provided Jayne with the opportunity to work on herself – thanks to Rider Elite Physiotherapy, Jayne was provided with a training plan consisting of lots of Pilates and gym ball work, which has enabled her to come out the other side fitter and stronger than ever.

Jayne and Fredastaire WD - Kevin Sparrow
Jayne and Fredastaire WD – Image credit Kevin Sparrow

For 2020, her current string of horses includes:

  • Cruz III – 11-year-old gelding owned by herself and competing at Small Tour, working towards Grand Prix. Their next big show will be the BD Nationals at PSG and Inter 1.
  • Penhaligons Jupiter – 10-year-old gelding, owned by David and Shirley Rixon. Currently competing internationally at Small Tour, working towards Grand Prix for 2021.
  • Fredastaire WD – 6-year-old gelding owned by Lindsey Roberts of Windmill Stud. Currently competing at Elementary and soon to make his debut at Medium, with the aim of Young Horse PSG classes in 2021.
  • And some very exciting young horses that will make their dressage debut very soon!

If you would like to follow more about Jayne’s journey, please find her on Facebook – www.facebook.com/JTDressage&Training or on Instagram @jayneturney.

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