How To Keep Dog Hairs Off Your Sofa?

We all love our dogs, but cleaning up after them can cause a lot of headaches. Like many of us, when we get a new pet we make a promise to ourselves not to let them on the furniture, but when they stare at us with their puppy eyes it’s hard not to give in. 

Unlike one off cleaning, if they are constantly shedding hair on your sofa, the first thing that you should do is find out if the amount of hair that they are shedding is normal. This normally depends on the breed, and there is tons of information online about what to expect from different breeds. Some breeds shed throughout the entire year while others only shed twice a year. A lot of people assume long coated dogs tend to shed more than other K-9s, but that is not true. Once you know how often your dog should be shedding, you will be able to monitor the dog, and know when they are allowed on your precious sofa, and when you should keep them off! 


Use a Lint Roller

Lint rollers are readily available and they can prove highly effective when removing pet hairs from your sofa. All you need to do is roll the device over the sofa to pick up your dog’s hair. Lint rollers do a great job, and they can be used on other things like clothing, furniture, and even your pet. Because the adhesive isn’t very strong, the chances of the roller hurting your dog is highly unlikely. 


A Damp Cloth

Instead of spending a lot of money on cleaning products, sometimes a damp cloth will work just as well. Get a clean, damp washcloth and wipe each of the cushions and clothing in the same direction. The dog hair will stick to the cloth and lift off the sofa. However, this rarely works if you wipe in different directions. Make sure you wipe in one direction every time you are cleaning animal hair. 


Hire a Professional Cleaning Company

If you have a lot of pets in your home and you feel you can’t get your pet’s hair off your sofa, perhaps it’s time to call in professional cleaning company to get the job done. Cleaning companies have a wide range of different cleaning equipment and products to choose from. They will know the different materials and what is needed to clean each one. Professionals like this upholstery cleaning London company have years of experience, and they might be able to advise you on how to keep your sofa clean in the future.


How to Teach your Dog not to go on the Couch

One of the best ways of keeping your sofa clean is by training your dog not to go on your couch. Before you get the phone book out and look for Ceaser Milian’s telephone number, why not train your dog yourself. 

Most modern dog trainers use positive reinforcement when educating dogs. This is a simple technique that is easy to get the hang of. First, you will need your dog’s favorite snack which will be used to lure your dog. You will also need a clicker (a device used to train dogs that is available in most pet stores). Follow these steps to train your dog not to go on the sofa:


  1. When your dog jumps up on the sofa, lure them off with a piece of their favorite food. Don’t use a lot, just a tiny piece. 
  2. Once they hop off the sofa, press the clicker and give them the treat. 
  3. The next time they jump on the sofa, say the word “off”, lure them off the sofa with a treat, press the clicker and give them the treat.

Over time your dog will realize that they are not allowed on the sofa. Obviously, you won’t have a treat every time you are sitting on the sofa, so gradually wean them off these tasty snacks. Consistency is key in dog training, so don’t expect results straight away. 

Don’t hurt or shout at your dog when they are on the sofa. Don’t reward bad behavior, nor punish them either. 

Pet hair can cause a Danger to those living in your Home

Pet hair and dander can cause problems, especially to young children suffering from allergies and conditions such as asthma. It is vital that you make your home a safe place for your whole family, and don’t assume that conventional filtering will do the trick. Air conditioning and heating systems can help, but they aren’t robust enough to clear all the bad air in your home. 

A lot of people use air filters to clear the bad air in their homes. If you have a dog that is heavily shedding, don’t forget to replace the filters with new ones on a regular basis. 

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