Horses Found Dead in Field thought to have been Unintentionally Poisoned

Horses Found Dead in Field thought to have been Unintentionally Poisoned

Equestrian News :: Everything Horse

Two horses have been found dead in a field which has seen a substantial increase in footfall since the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown.

The two Leicestershire based mares, Mary Legs and Flossie were found lifeless on Monday morning by a friend of the owners. With foam in their mouths, their death is believed to have been caused by ingesting poison. There is potential for a post-mortem to be carried out to find the exact cause of death.

The public footpath, until recently, was barely used and has seen a substantial rise in footfall since the COVID-19 lockdown four weeks ago.

Loaner of Flossie, Lisa-Michelle Hall, said the horses had become very close during their time together as field companions, going on to say, the situation may have been “unintentional”. The pony (pictured) had been a rescue who had been put on permanent loan to Ms Hall, eight months prior.

The sudden death of the horses acts as a stark reminder as to why horses should not be fed by walkers, or families passing by fields, or through fields where equines and other animals are kept.

Leicestershire Horsewatch has reported an increase in incidents in the area since the lockdown commenced.

Feature Image: Flossie, Lisa-Michelle Hall


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