Horse Owner? Have your say about the cost of living crisis

Horse owner have your say about cost of living crisis image of horse in field with tack on

Calling all horse owners, do you want to have your opinion heard about the cost of living crisis including how its effecting horse ownership? Then read on to find out more.

There’s one more week to have your opinions heard on how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting you as a horse owner. On completion of the survey, a report will be made available to the public and, where possible, to the Government.

Over seven thousand people have already completed the survey, launched by a group of equine charities just before Christmas to allow them to gauge how people are coping this winter.

The survey, which you can fill in here, closes on Tuesday 31st January 2023. As no personal details will be collected, your feedback is completely anonymous.

Whether you’re coping well or really feeling the pinch, your experience matters, and as many owners as possible are being encouraged to take part.

Whether you’re coping well or really feeling the pinch, your experience matters, and as many owners as possible are being encouraged to take part.

Carolyn Madgwick, Chair of the National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC), said: “We want to establish how those of us who care for horses are dealing with the current economic climate.

“The questions being asked include things like ‘what changes, if any, have you seen in horse care costs in the last year’ and ‘what changes have you made, or are considering, to save money?’.

“NEWC intends to use the anonymised results to produce a report which will be shared with the public and, where relevant, the UK Government, Devolved Administrations and local authorities and will enable us to develop and publish guidance and advice to support those caring for horses across the UK.

“The survey should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete, please do fill it in if you can and help us to understand how we might be able to help you.”

The research on how the cost of living crisis is effecting horse owners is being undertaken on behalf of NEWC by Redwings Horse Sanctuary, World Horse Welfare, Blue Cross, The British Horse Society, Oak Tree Animal Sanctuary, and the British Farrier and Blacksmith Association.

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