Finding Harmony: Balancing Your Equestrian Business and Life

Equine Business advice from Jenni Bush image of a woman with a horse

By Jenni Bush – The Equine Business Assistant, Coach & Mentor for Equine Entrepreneurs

Time! One of the biggest hurdles in many equine professional life! If you’ve ever felt like you’re juggling the reins of your equine business while trying to maintain a semblance of a personal life, you’re not alone!

Striking that perfect balance between work and play is a challenge (especially when work and play intertwine as is the case with horses)

But in this article, let’s explore some strategies to help you find harmony between your work, horses and the need for self-care.

Jenni Bush aka the Equine Business Assistant smiling sat outside with a hat on, microphone and laptop - Image credit Laura V Photography
Jenni Bush aka the Equine Business Assistant – – Image credit Laura V Photography

The Equestrian Entrepreneur’s Balancing Act:

1. Reimagining Work-Life Balance:

Let’s be real – the concept of work-life balance isn’t about perfectly divided hours; it’s about finding what works for you. Dive into practical ways to redefine balance in the context of your equine business. From flexible schedules to dedicated “me time,” discover strategies tailored to your unique journey.  One of the best things you can do is to sit down with pen and paper and map out what your ideal working week looks like. Note, start with the must-do things, sleep, eat, move block those in first and the rest around it! 

In my GALLOP business essentials strategy, I always say the first L is looking after you!

2. Prioritising Self-Care:

Stick with me here… 

As horse lovers, we’re attuned to the needs of our equine partners. But what about our own well-being? 

Woman and horse
As horse lovers, we’re attuned to the needs of our equine partners. But what about our own well-being? 

What if you paid as much attention to you and your needs?  What would change for you?

Self-care is a priority it isn’t a luxury to off– it’s essential.  And part of finding time for and balancing your life means raising the priority level.

Warning:  You will have to say no to things that you have previously put before yourself!

But by uncovering simple self-care rituals, you will replenish your energy and keep business burnout at bay.

3. Navigating Business Boundaries:

Owning an equine business can blur the lines between work and personal life.

Setting clear boundaries can prevent business demands from encroaching on your downtime. From email etiquette to defining work hours, discover effective ways to reclaim your personal space.  I work with my clients through a process that involves going through values and rights and then mapping out the boundaries as well as you would want your fences to keep your horses in!

It matters and it takes work to keep those boundaries up though.

4. Carving Out Quality Time:

Hindsight is wonderful, but no one wants you looking back and thinking “I wish I’d worked less and been more present with my family.”  

Finding quality time for your loved ones can be a challenge. Explore creative ways to weave moments of connection into your schedule. 

Whether it’s a ride together, a picnic by the paddock, or simply unwinding together, don’t buy into the idea it takes more time or energy than it has to. Memories can be made fast and for free!

Lady having a picnic
Whether it’s a ride together, a picnic by the paddock, or simply unwinding together, don’t buy into the idea it takes more time or energy than it has to.

5. Embracing Imperfection:

Perfectionism can be a sneaky saboteur of work-life balance. 

Embrace imperfection as a badge of authenticity. Learn to say no, delegate tasks, and be kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned. 

Remember, it’s the journey that matters, not just the destination.

6. Learning from Fellow Equestrian Entrepreneurs:

Tap into the wisdom of others in the equine business community. Hear from fellow entrepreneurs who’ve cracked the code to balancing their love for horses with meaningful personal moments. 

Or even learn from their mistakes if they haven’t mastered it.

Their insights and experiences might just resonate with your own journey.

And unlike money time is one investment you can’t make back.

As an equestrian entrepreneur, you’re not merely running a business.

You’re living a passion. 

Balancing business and life needs a plan and to be intentional!

Find out more about Jenni Bush the Equine Business Assistant at 

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