Dressage Anywhere Support NHS with Hobby Horse Competition

dressage anywhere hobbi horse competition - Alice Oppenheimer and Legless

Dressage Anywhere is still running online dressage competitions, but with a twist! Following guidance from the UK Government and equestrian governing bodies around social distancing and staying at home, riders have been invited to compete on a horse with only one leg – a hobby horse!

Alice Oppenheimer and ‘Legless’ were the first Grand Prix combination to take part. Video of the test with commentary is above. On the first run through the test, Sarah Oppenheimer thought it was a pretty good effort, but the pair started off ‘with a bit of a head tilt which got better as the test went on’.

Dressage Anywhere is running Novice, Grand Prix, Pony Club and RDA tests which may be ridden in any size arena and on any surface.  £8 of the £10 entry fee goes to the NHS Charities Urgent Appeal, raising funds for staff and volunteers supporting COVID-19 patients. Horses may be purchased especially or produced at home and there will be a prize draw which all entries are automatically entered into.

Top judges include Stephen Clarke and Jennie Loriston-Clarke. Grand Prix rider Sara-Jane Lanning will be judging the Novice class and International rider Alice Oppenheimer will be giving helpful hints to children. So many riders are having their first go at a Grand Prix test – all for such a good cause!

Let’s help the NHS but also have some FUN.

Find out more about the competition, including how to take part here.

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