Discover the Science of Studying: Tips for Better Learning

Science behind studying

Studying is an inevitable part of college life. But it presents several challenges that demand patience, dedication, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Fortunately, you can maximize your potential and succeed in your university career with the proper study techniques. Furthermore, science backs them up!

In this post, you’ll be able to find the top studying techniques and discover the science of studying. These techniques will heighten your learning experience and make even the dullest classes more pleasing. You can maximize your potential and succeed in your college career with the following tips.

Take the Practice Tests Consistently

Use practice tests just as you would with standardised tests like the SAT or ACT. Many lecturers and instructors provide previous exams as practice tests. You can use these to familiarize yourself with the instructor’s testing methods. It’ll help you understand how the examiner may present questions on the test day. 

According to a 2011 study, students who took practice tests after studying the material retained 50% more information a week later than those who didn’t. Therefore, taking practice tests from the best study platform would be the best. The study materials you’ll get will significantly enhance your learning and retention of information.

Thwart the “Curve of Forgetting”

Although the “curve of forgetting” was first explored by scientists in 1885, it remains a valuable concept for modern-day study techniques. The curve suggests that after learning something new, you can retain up to 80% of the material if you review it within 24 hours. 

Moreover, this effect is cumulative, meaning that after a week, you can retain 100% of the same information with only five minutes of review. Psychologists widely agree that this kind of interval studying, as opposed to last-minute cramming, is the most effective approach. Therefore, students should aim to learn soon after learning new material rather than wait until the test day.

Rewrite What You’ve Read

One effective way to solidify your learning is to rewrite what you’ve studied. Here’s how you could do this:

  • Grab a blank piece of paper and a pen.
  • Jot down short notes about a new topic you’ve learned without referring to external sources. 
  • Write down everything that comes from your memory. 

Retrieving information from your brain helps you retain more of it. If you miss some essential points, you can identify and rework those areas before the test day.

Try the Feynman Notebook Method

Physicist Robert Feynman created the organization-based learning method, the Feynman method. He began by labeling an empty notebook as a “notebook of things I don’t know about” and then deconstructed and reconstructed ideas to understand even the most complex concepts. 

To use this method effectively, start by identifying what you want to learn, then try explaining it as you would to a five-year-old. The Feynman method is handy for using analogies to clarify your concept further. For example, you may compare a bonsai tree to a large tree but in a smaller size. By utilizing this technique, you can simplify and better understand complex ideas. 

Spread Your Study Session

Cramming for exams may seem like a quick solution. But unfortunately, it doesn’t work. The reason is that the material doesn’t have enough time to transfer into your long-term memory. Short-term memory is like the party space in your head – the information is there for a good time, not a long time. It would help if you had time and repeated exposure to the material to commit information to long-term memory.

Spacing out your study sessions is an effective way to improve retention. Forgetting some of the material over a few days and then recalling it when you revisit your notes increases exposure to the information. It takes it closer to long-term memory. So, it’s better to spread out your study sessions over time to improve your chances of retaining information in the long term.

Role Play as a Teacher

Research indicates that students have better memory and recall abilities when they learn new information with the expectation of having to teach it to someone else. Teachers must understand the concepts and organize critical elements to explain them to others.

Furthermore, studies suggest that students are more engaged and instinctively seek out methods of recall and organization when expected to take on a “teacher” role. This approach can be particularly effective in reading comprehension and science. However, it may require figuring out how to teach each topic case by case.


With the help of science, you can now take advantage of the above practical tips to enhance your study habits and maximize your learning time. Incorporating these smarter and better study techniques can transform your academic and career prospects in 2023 and beyond. So why not start today and reap the benefits of a more efficient and practical approach to learning?

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