Invaluable training from Chris Bartle for SCT Apprentices

Allowing young riders to achieve their goals

Coach and Olympic competitor Chris Bartle was recently welcomed by SCT Apprentices at Parklands EC, in Sheffield, where he was on hand to offer the group an exclusive masterclass.

A former Badminton winner, Chris took time out of his extremely busy schedule once again, to coach nine groups of SCT apprentices and employers.

he said:

“I enjoyed teaching enthusiastic groups of riders with varying degrees of experience, all of whom showed significant improvement during the session.”

Chris proved that whether you are an Olympian or not, the same essential skills and appreciation of the importance of quality, consistent and sympathetic training are vital.

Amber Frost and Chris Bartle
Amber Frost and Chris Bartle

One attendee said:

“This was a fantastic opportunity to be training by Chris and to take away lots of exercises to improve rider and horse.”

SCT is Britain’s leading provider of apprentices to the equine industry, and its unparalleled contacts in all areas of equestrianism means that their apprentices and employers get extraordinary chances to learn from the top riders and coaches. In turn, these highly successful people recognise the excellent work SCT does with young people wanting to work in equestrianism and are incredibly supportive of that.

Giving young people starting their working lives, the opportunity to be inspired by world-class professionals and to be supported in aiming to be the best they can be is at the heart of Everything Stubbing Court Training ltd (SCT) does.

SCT’s equine apprenticeships allow young people to earn a wage and gain valuable qualifications while learning from excellent professionals, giving them the best possible start to working life. It provides all-round support and advice to both apprentices and employers and, through its superb network of contacts, is perfectly suited to fit the right person to the right set-up. It provides first-class training, wide-ranging opportunities for personal development and chances to develop employability and professionalism.

The East Midlands-based training provider also has an outstanding online library of learning resources, including videos of best practice in every aspect of working with horses, filmed by some of the biggest names in the equestrian world, allowing apprentices and employers to access them whenever it’s convenient. This supports employers in vital areas such as health and safety, employment law and insurance.

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