Charity Hack to Raise Money for Cancer Research UK

Charity Hack to Raise Money for Cancer Research UK
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Riders are being urged to saddle up and join a sponsored charity hack that’s raising money for Cancer Research UK.

Ride for Research is a sponsored horse ride taking place in September 2018 – the horse ride can be done anywhere, with anyone, and for any distance.

Rather than organising a sponsored ride at a specific place, riders can hack around their local area to save on travel costs and can get as many people to join them as possible.

The organisers expect over 700 riders take part in the equestrian fundraiser and are asking for horse riders across the country to get involved and join the fight against cancer.

The events will take place on 22nd and 23rd September 2018 and it’s hoped the initiative will raise £70,000 for vital cancer research.

Ride for Research was originally started by Susannah Baughan two years ago and was so successful that Cancer Research UK decided to continue it as an annual event.

Susannah came up with the idea to help her friend Karen Lane, who was fighting bowel, liver and lung cancer, to reach an ambitious personal target of raising £100,000 for Cancer Research UK.

Lynn Brown, 49, from Morpeth, Northumberland, was one of those who took part in Ride for Research last year.

Lynn said:

We had an amazing day riding and it was lovely to stop and talk to others that were also taking part who had lost family and friends to cancer. It was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and money for an important cause.”

One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in their lives, but the good news is more people are surviving the disease now than ever before.

Survival has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK but to help continue this progress, Cancer Research UK needs everyone to act right now.

Heidi Connell, Senior Local Fundraising manager for Cancer Research UK is coordinating the event.

Heidi said:

We are delighted that following the success of Susannah’s event we have been able to make Ride for Research an annual fundraiser which is growing year by year.

We hope to have as many riders join us as possible to raise money for an incredible cause to fund life-saving research and help beat cancer sooner.”

You can find more information on how to sign up to the event at