British Equestrian Federation Backs Equestrian Employment Initiative

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British Equestrian Federation Backs Equestrian Employment Initiative

Members of the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) have voiced their support for an initiative created by the British Grooms Association (BGA) and Equestrian Employers Association to support equine industry workers.

The support initiative is a ‘Memorandum of Agreement’, aiming to deliver a shared vision for the development of the equestrian industry. The agreement states principles which ensure the safeguarding of those who work within the industry, promoting dignity and respect as values, making the equestrian industry a better place of work.

The ‘Memorandum of Agreement’ also poses as an initiative to prevent illegal and unfair employment, dress employment retention, and offer education and support to employers and employees regarding mental health.

Mental health within the equine industry has recently been highlight by the BGA, publicising their Grooms Mind survey result in October 2017. The survey found that 81% of those working in the equine industry were not happy in the work place, with 76% reporting that they had been exposed to bullying or derogatory comment whilst working. A following survey found that a large proportion of grooms were leaving or considering leaving the equine industry for good.

Upon the announcement of the BEF’s support, Lucy Katan, Executive Director of the BGA, stated;

“This initiative marks a significant moment in time, where the phrase ‘that’s what happens in the horse world’ is abolished. The revolution is here; together we can make this a positive transformation for equestrian businesses, the workforce and the horses in their care.”

The BEF council have stated they are committed to adopt principles of the initiative, including; respect, integrity, fairness and equality. Member bodies include; the BEF, British Dressage, British Eventing, British Showjumping, the British Horse Society, the Pony Club, World Horse Welfare, Horsescotland, the Riding for Disabled Association, and the Association of British Riding Schools.


[avatar user=”AbbyDickinson” size=”medium” align=”center” link=”file”]Everything Horse News Reporter, Abby Dickinson[/avatar]

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