BEF and BHS Issue Statement Relating to Indoor Arena Use

British Equestrian

BEF and BHS Issue Statement Relating to Indoor Arena Use in England

The BEF (British Equestrian) and BHS (British Horse Society) have issued an updated statement regarding the use of indoor arenas in England following communication conflict regarding government guidelines.

After nearly a week of discussions, British Equestrian had confirmation on Wednesday 30 March from the Cabinet Office, via the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), that the use indoor arenas in England remains restricted under the most recent legislation.

In a campaign lead by British Equestrian, the British Horse Society, the Pony Club and the Olympic governing bodies, clarification was requested following a change in legislation, released on Friday 26 March, which ordered indoor riding arenas to remain closed except for some exceptions.

Our previous agreement with government that equestrian indoor venues would be classified as outdoors due to their agricultural and airy nature no long applies. This is because the classification of what makes a venue ‘indoors’ has been now been determined using section 2 of the Health Act 2006, which relates to smoke-free regulations.

Defra has provided a roadmap in line with the step-by-step process that’s been outlined by the government for the use of indoor schools/arenas in England, which outlines:

  • An indoor structure is classed as a place that is considered to be enclosed, or substantially enclosed for the purpose of smoke-free regulations – detail provided in the Defra roadmap.
  • A structure would likely be classed as outdoors if more than 50% of the area of its walls are open. Further details as to what constitutes an outdoor structure can be found in the smoke-free regulations.


Step 1 – from 29 March

  • An indoor riding arena may be used for the following exceptions:
    • Elite sports people – this is largely restricted to athletes on the World Class Programme at P1 and P2 level
    • An owner of an animal kept at a riding centre
    • Employees of a riding centre in order to care for and exercise horses or provide veterinary services
    • Organised sport and leisure activity for disabled people and children as part of their care is permitted indoors
    • Activities that form part of the core curriculum of formal education or professional/work-related training/development
  • Outside the above exceptions, indoor riding arenas must remain closed until Step 2, which will be no earlier than 12 April.

Step 2 – no earlier than 12 April

  • Under Step 2, indoor arenas will be allowed to open for use as a single household or bubble. There should be no mixing of households until at least Step 3 (no earlier than 17 May). The above exceptions will still apply.

Step 3 – no earlier than 17 May

  • At Step 3, the intention is that indoor arenas may be used in line with the wider social contact limits at this stage – a group of six people or two households.

This is Defra’s current confirmed position and we ask the equestrian sector to operate in line with the above at this time.

Collectively, we will continue to make the strong case for the use of equestrian indoor riding arenas with government in a bid to get agreement on their use at an earlier stage. We have support from a number of MPs and Whitehall staff, plus Sport England, who have worked strongly on our behalf. We thank our member bodies for their support and input this week and, with the support of the British Horse Council, we will not let this situation rest.

Iain Graham, British Equestrian Chief Executive said;

By working together and presenting a united case, we put forward as strong argument. However, the position remains that indoor arenas are to stay closed on the whole. We all share the disappointment and frustration that we know a number of venues, proprietors and the equine community will be feeling. However, we will continue the campaign on everyone’s behalf, with the support of Sport England, in a bid to get indoor riding facilities fully open within the government’s stage 2 timeframe which we hope will be 12 April.”

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