Amateur rider wins trailer after finding dream loan horse

Jackie Murphy and Diamond Denis winners of the SEIB competition to win a trailer. Image of both stood in an indoor school.

SEIB Insurance Brokers have awarded amateur rider, Jackie Murphy a Cheval Liberté Touring Country two-horse trailer worth over £8,500.

The prize draw to win a trailer formed part of the SEIB’s 60th year in business celebration. Entries opened in January 2023 and closed on the 30th November.

On the brink of giving up horses after losing her own, Jackie couldn’t believe her luck when a series of events led her to Diamond Dennis. Having almost lost her nerve, Dennis’ owner allowed Jackie to loan the ex-eventer who has since renewed her trust in horses and vigor for the sport. Trying her luck once again, Jackie entered the SEIB competition earlier this year, not imagining she would have won:

“I never win anything and this has put me on cloud nine, and all just before Christmas! I work full time as a para-planner and the money I earn goes straight on the horses.

Said Jackie.

“To win this trailer is such a boost to everything. At the beginning of this year, I nearly gave up riding after I’d lost my last horse, but then my coach got me riding her youngster a few times. I’ve volunteered at competitions at Bicton once or twice a month for several years now and have got to know all the judges, one of whom put me in touch with Dennis’ owner, Natalie.”

Jackie took it very slowly with seventeen-year-old ex-eventer and dressage horse riding him at Natalie’s for a month before moving him to livery at Bicton College.

She continued:

“I’d lost my nerve and Dennis has absolutely reignited my passion. He had previously been ridden by top eventers Lucy Wiegersma, Aaron Miller and Helen West and as a result is beautifully schooled. I can’t wait to get out and start competing him in the next few months.”

SEIB’s Chief Executive Officer Suzy Middleton said:

“Celebrating turning 60 is a major milestone for SEIB, with our trailer prize draw being a focal point throughout the year. Giving back has always been a key theme for the SEIB business and we are delighted to have partnered with Cheval Liberté for this celebratory prize draw for one of their top of the range, Touring Country horse trailers.”

SEIB History: History in the making

SEIB was started in 1963 as a brokerage for home, car, and life insurance. Later that decade, company founder, Barry Fehler, moved into the equestrian insurance market. As a horse owner himself, he understood the needs of the community and went on to offer the first horsebox insurance on the market and many more equestrian insurance policies from there on.  

This commitment to customers is highlighted by several national titles for SEIB over the years at esteemed industry awards including Broker of the Year, the National Insurance Awards, and the British Claims Awards.

SEIB’s Chief Operating Officer, Bipin Thaker said:

“The innovations SEIB have brought to the equine insurance market over the years is phenomenal. Our equine in-house claims team provide such consistency and reassurance for customers by dealing with claims right the way through. Looking to the future we will move with the times, continue to ensure our policies reflect the needs of our customers and we continue to use highly rated insurers.”

From providing opportunity within grass roots competition right through to the company’s contributions to good causes, SEIB’s ethos of constant support and providing opportunity is well set to continue. Since 2018, good causes have benefited to the tune of £300,000 through SEIB’s annual SEIB Giving Awards.

To find out more about SEIB Insurance Brokers Ltd and the policies it offers please visit the SEIB website.

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