Here we delve into what Accessibility Mark really means to provide a better understanding and explain everything you need to know. Accessibility Mark – Everything You Need to Know As Accessibility Mark continues to march forwards, the revolutionary scheme is helping more and more disabled people to get involved in sport and activities. Accessibility – Accessibility Mark is opening up more opportunities making horse riding more accessibility to a wider group of people. Centres – There are currently 42 centres across the country. Confidence – Riding has many benefits for…

Suzanne Ashton: BA (Hons) in Marketing Management, Diploma in Equine Studies, B.E.M.A Member. An entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in marketing, publishing, content curation, editing, and media writing. Avid equestrian, riding since the age of 5 and owning horses for over 35 years. Proud mum to humans, dogs, and a horse.