Finding Harmony: Balancing Your Equestrian Business and Life

Equine Business advice from Jenni Bush image of a woman with a horse

By Jenni Bush – The Equine Business Assistant, Coach & Mentor for Equine Entrepreneurs Time! One of the biggest hurdles in many equine professional life! If you’ve ever felt like you’re juggling the reins of your equine business while trying to maintain a semblance of a personal life, you’re not alone! Striking that perfect balance between work and play is a challenge (especially when work and play intertwine as is the case with horses) But in this article, let’s explore some strategies to help you find harmony between your work, horses…

Creating an Effective Online Presence for Your Equine Business

Jenni Bush aka the Equine Business Assistant with a laptop and horse sat in a field - Image credit Laura V Photography

Creating an Effective Online Presence for Your Equine Business By Jenni Bush aka the Equine Business Assistant In the ever-evolving equine industry, we’ve often been perceived as lagging behind the times. However, in 2023, an increasing number of equestrian business owners are awakening to the realisation that having a strong online presence is no longer a mere option—it’s a necessity. While word of mouth has traditionally been a valuable growth tool for our equestrian endeavours, it’s essential to recognise it’s not without its limitations.  Once a potential customer hears about…