Top Ten Steps To Towing Success Towing advice from Bosal Tow Bars When it comes to transporting precious cargo, there’s no greater responsibility than taking your beloved horse from to A to B. But for many of us, the very thought of ushering your trusted steed into the back of a trailer, and hitting the highway at speed can be enough to bring us out in cold sweats. With this in mind, we’ve teamed up with the experts at Bosal Tow Bars to share some top towing tips, ranging from the…

Suzanne Ashton: BA (Hons) in Marketing Management, Diploma in Equine Studies, B.E.M.A Member. An entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in marketing, publishing, content curation, editing, and media writing. Avid equestrian, riding since the age of 5 and owning horses for over 35 years. Proud mum to humans, dogs, and a horse.