Horse Charity Fears Stark Reality following Coronavirus Outbreak

Ponies at Remus Pony Sanctuary

Horse Charity Fears Stark Reality following Coronavirus Outbreak

Equestrian News :: Everything Horse

The outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19) is putting a major strain on local, national and global resources. At Remus Horse Sanctuary in Essex, the stark reality – so far – is that all fundraising events have been cancelled and many of the older volunteers have had to stand down. The charity is now reliant on a small group of yard staff maintaining their own health to continue to feed and care for the animals residing at the Sanctuary.

Sue Burton, Founder of Remus Horse Sanctuary, said:

We are all living through very difficult times at the moment due to the Covid-19 outbreak.  Its impact is showing in all aspects of life and business and I want to offer my well wishes for everyone’s health and wellbeing.”

Whilst the position surrounding Coronavirus changes daily and continues to create fear and anxiety around the world, the horse welfare crisis in this country also remains unchecked. In fact, many more animals will likely be in need of help and rescue.

From a financial perspective, this puts the charity in a very worrying position. Not least, because the Government advice of social isolation also means no fundraising, whether on the street or as a result of organised events and yet Remus still have animals at the Sanctuary to feed and care for. The staff are hoping that its suppliers can still supply the quantities of feed, hay and straw required.

Companions at Remus Horse Sanctuary
Companions at Remus Horse Sanctuary

Many larger charities may be able to withstand this type of business interruption, but Remus simply don’t have the reserves to do so – financially or otherwise – especially given even the experts can’t accurately forecast how long this situation might continue.

Ms Burton commented,

It’s strange here, everything goes on as normal and the animals still have their same set routine and are oblivious to what’s going on around them. Thankfully they are all in good health.”

The horse welfare charity is calling on people everywhere to help by making a donation to the Sanctuary or by setting up a monthly standing order. Remus’ rescued animals need help and support now more than at any other time.

Any help that can be offered will be gratefully received by the charity.

Ms Burton said,

I know times are hard for everyone at the moment but if you can do something to help us during the coming months, we really would appreciate it. With your help and support we will get through this and come out the other side.”

Remus Horse Sanctuary offer many ways to aid donations, as listed on their website at

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