Dengie Alfa-A has been showing off its versatility in style by being the feed of choice for various zoo animals (ok, keepers) for 15 years!
Hertfordshire-based Paradise Wildlife park have been feeding the popular Dengie feed to their zoo animals for over 15 years. The different species that have been enjoying the high-spec forage include the lowland Topir, Plain Zebra Bactrian Camels and Red Deer
“At Paradise Wildlife Park we have used Dengie’s Alfa-A Original for many years now across various species.” Explains James Cork, head keeper. “We mix the Alfa-A Original alongside their concentrate feeds and have found this to be a great product for increasing the animals’ roughage. It’s clear to see that all of the animals enjoy their Alfa-A, particularly our bactrian camels who love grabbing mouthfuls out of their feed buckets before we have even placed the food in their troughs!”
The animals at Paradise Wildlife Park are fed hay and straw alongside their Alfa-A Original as well as a specialist browser pellet to provide them with the vitamin and minerals they need.
The tapir have various fruits and vegetables in with their 400g Alfa-A Original, their favourite being peppers and pumpkin, which is split over the three feeds per day. The camels also enjoy carrots as treats and are fed 1.6kg of Alfa-A Original split over two meals. The animals at Paradise wildlife Park also have various forms of enrichment including treat balls, branches and forage at varying levels including hay rocks and feed troughs.
For more information on zoo animal nutrition and providing the right diet in zoos can be found on the Dengie Website. Dengie also recently organised a webinar on saving and caring for exotic species with quest speakers Tullis Mason, founder of Nature’s safe and Andy Beer zoo animal nutritions of Zoocraft Limited the recording of the webinar can be found on the Dengie YouTube channel.