Why Learning To Ride Can be The Perfect Summer Plan

Learning to ride

Why Learning To Ride Can be The Perfect Summer Plan

Summer is here and with it, if you’re lucky, plenty of free time which you can use in different ways. If in addition to relaxing on a paradise beach, climbing a faraway mountain or taking off in an adventure you choose to include learning a new activity to your perfect holiday list, then we have an idea for you. Although water sports would be the logical choice given the season and the warm weather, learning to ride a horse might actually be an original and exciting activity to take on this summer.

Learning something new brings infinite benefits to your mental and physical health, and while some activities are more challenging than others (if cards are your thing, here are some of the best poker tips for beginners), acquiring skills is always good for you. First of all, it stimulates brain activity, which in turn prevents you from having certain diseases related to this vital organ. Secondly, it can help boost your creativity as new frontiers open before your eyes. But, although it might come as a surprise, learning can also help us relax, and it can also make us happier. That is where horse riding comes in, an activity that is highly rewarding, in spite of being very difficult to master.

Horses are emotionally intelligent animals that have been interacting with people for many centuries now and therapies involving them are becoming increasingly popular. In addition to this, riding also boosts your ability to concentrate and focus, while you work out trying to maintain balance and developing the necessary strength to stay on top of a horse. Because it is an isometric exercise, and thus uses specific muscles for determined positions, it works on pelvic, abdominal and back muscles, while toning your body and increasing your flexibility. So if you want to stay fit this summer, it seems like riding is a brilliant option. Moreover, the satisfaction that comes from learning how to handle your horse, plus the sense of freedom you experience while riding through an open field turn it into an overall appealing activity that you can start learning this summer and then continue with the rest of the year.

Imagine being able to effectively reduce stress, handle anxiety, relax, have fun and work out at the same time? That is what horse riding can provide you, and there is even no need to do it everyday: the British Horse Society recommends to undertake this activity for at least 30 minutes three times a week in order to get the best out of it. Being an outdoor activity, it also offers you the opportunity to get in touch with nature, something which provides unquestionable health benefits helping you disconnect from an over stimulating lifestyle and increase your defences while inducing psychological wellbeing. So this summer, among beach breaks, card games and books, might be the perfect moment to learn how to ride a horse and trust us: you’ll love it so much that by September you will realize that you can no longer let go of it.

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