Whether you are an equestrian or a pleasure rider, peace of mind is possible by having Horse Box and Trailer Insurance that removes the financial burden when there is a problem in the transportation of your animal.
Reasons to have a Horse Box and Horse Trailer Insurance policy
With a horsebox insurance policy, the owner will protected against events and circumstances out of their control. These events can be manmade or natural.
The protection of a horse is vital to the owner when it is in the stable, on the field or being transported. This specific policy helps to protect the owner against the financial burden of the transportation sector of owning a horse when there is a problem or breakdown.
One specific reason for holding this type of policy is if when transporting a horse to an equestrian event, time is of the essence and there is a problem. Upon receiving the message for their services being requested, a repair crew will be sent to the scene of the incident. When repairs can be made on the roadside the task is quickly completed. If repairs are not possible, a suitable trailer or horse box is dispatched to the scene of the problem to recover the horse and take it to the scheduled event.
What is covered with this policy
The policy covers the trailer when a person of ill repute carries out a malicious act on the trailer. This can include but not limited to the tires being slashed, the hitch damaged or the body of the box being damaged and in need of repair.
The policy also covers the event if the horse box or trailer is stolen when it is not in use, was being stored between events or at an event itself.
If the problem with the trailer is just as flat tire while on the road, a repair crew can be sent out with a new tire so it can be placed on the trailer. This is the best option for the horse so it will be familiar with the environment during its journey.
If repairs to the trailer are not possible on the roadside, another trailer that is similar in type or the best available option is dispatched to the scene of the disabled horse trailer so the horse can continue its journey to its destination. The cost of recovering the trailer and transporting it to a repair facility or the owner’s property is also covered.
This roadside assistance is available 24/7.
The events that fall under the category of Mother Nature are included in the coverage of the horse box and horse trailer insurance policy. This can include but not limited to flying debris, hail damage and the turning over of the box or trailer due to strong winds.
The accessories on the trailer that were part of the factory order are included in the coverage in the policy. This includes lights, ramps, windows, locks and pads that are repaired or replaced with similar type components.
When a policy holder makes a claim
When it is necessary for the policy holder to make a claim, the people handling the claim are those with experience in equestrian events and horses. It makes it easier for the reasons and details of the claim to be understood which removes any misunderstandings so all of the needs and concerns of the policy holder to be addressed properly and in a timely fashion.
No one wants a problem during the transportation of their horse, but events like that do occur. When help is needed, the people to assist Horse Box and Trailer Insurance policy holders are fully trained and versed in handling both the mechanical problems and the needs of the horse. This makes it possible for the policy holder to carry on with their life as soon as possible without the financial burden a breakdown or theft has associated with it.
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