Teen Receives Death Threats Following Horse Whipping Video That Goes Viral

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Teen Receives Death Threats Following Horse Whipping Video That Goes Viral

The teenager involved in the horse whipping scandal has received death threats following the ‘clip’ going viral.

Chloe Morgan 17, of Llanelli, North Wales has received over 2,000 hate related messages, death threats and has had people ‘knocking at her door’.

Chloe Williams on the pony
Chloe Williams on the pony

The 35 second video clip witnesses Chloe trying to sit on the six-year-old Welsh Mountain pony bareback, who appeared at the time to be tied up and held by a male. When bucked off she hits the horse and continues to wave her arms around in a whipping like motion. The sound of a whip is present in the video however it is unclear as to whether one is actually used due to the quality of the recording. The young girls action was used to punish the pony and show what comes across as more dominant behaviour. The male in the video, during the assault, kicked out at the horse towards the end of the clip.

Mid assault, Chloe appears to be whipping the pony
Mid assault, Chloe appears to be whipping the pony

Other members of the group which were present at the time where friend Chloe Williams who was reported to have filmed the incident and her father Paul Williams (seen in clip), a local taxi driver.


A community group has been set up on a popular social media platform. The group, Make Chloe Morgan face justice, has over 4,000 members and is being used to publish information on the story.

A petition has been set up via Change.org and will be delivered to the World Horse Welfare, the RSPCA and local government. So far over 19,000 people have signed the petition. For more information please visit www.change.org

Since the online publishing of the video the RSPCA launched an investigation on the case.