Sprenger Dynamic RS Loose Snaffle SENSOGAN Review

Sprenger Dynamic RS Loose Ring Snaffle SENSOGAN Review

Sprenger Dynamic RS Loose Ring Snaffle SENSOGAN Review

The Sprenger Dynamic RS Loose Ring Snaffle SENSOGAN gives soft but very effective signals for a better contact between horse and rider.

All of the Sprenger bits in the Dynamic RS bit range are ergonomically designed to sit flat, allowing for a balanced effect on the tongue. The shape also prevents pressure to the palate and supports the contact to the corners of the mouth in an extremely effective may, encouraging the horse to soften and relax into the contact.

The mouthpiece is made of Aurigan and is gentle to the mouth and tongue. The 45 degree angle, alongside the double joint and SENSOGAN, encourages the horse to chew, thus helping (alongside other factors) acceptance of the bit.

Key facts

  • Ideal for young horses learning to accept the bit
  • Helps prevent the horse leaning on the bit
  • Recommended for horses with contact/resistance problems
  • The gentle joint in the middle is angled forward by 45°.
  • The bit is 14mm in thickness with 65mm rings.
  • Available in sizes 110mm, 115mm, 125mm, 135mm and 145mm the Sprenger Dynamic RS is priced at around
  • An arrow is engraved into the bit for ease of fitting

THE REVIEW ** Our thoughts …

We tried this bit on one of our young horses, Havana, who had been backed and rode through her paces. The next step was to encourage hind engagement, as she was moving forward, yet lacked an acceptance of the bit. Over the space of a few weeks, the resistance continued and presented itself in an over bend, block by the inside shoulder (particularly on the right rein) and hollowing. As a result, she became tense, frustrated and un-happy in her work.

image of horse, Havana before the change in bit - demonstrating a shorter stride, lack of engagement and a raised head.
Image of horse, Havana before the change in bit – demonstrating a shorter stride, lack of engagement, raised head and an overall tense appearance.

Havana had her back, teeth and saddle checked, which uncovered only a few minor problems, yet still the resistance continued.

At the time, Havana had a fixed snaffle/eggbutt with a lozenge. The bit was quite heavy and the bars where thick.

After one trial of the bit, Havana was visibly happier and was eager to try and do as she was asked. The below images show Havana only a couple of sessions after she was using the Sprenger Dynamic RS Loose Ring Snaffle SENSOGAN.

She has since learnt how to move into a contact, is consistently soft in the hand, does not ride onto the forehand, engages her hind quarters and is a much happier horse to ride. The overbend to the right has been worked on and she now finds it easier to move straight and forward.

Although Havana is still learning, and clearly has a long way to go, it’s worth noting she is now six-years-old. Nothing about her education has been rushed, she has been allowed to develop emotionally and physically before being rushed into an outline, or over faced at a young age.

Sprenger Dynamic RS Loose Ring Snaffle SENSOGAN RRP £161 (can be found from around £120 upwards).

For further information contact Zebra Products on (01352) 763350 or visit www.zebraproducts.co.uk find BRANDS in the menu and scroll down to Sprenger.