Nettex Frog Health – Maintain a Healthy Frog this Winter

NETTEX frog health
Everything Horse Magazine advertisement

Nettex Frog Health – Maintain a Healthy Frog this Winter

Nettex Frog Health (250ml trigger spray) is ideal for helping maintain a healthy frog over the winter months.

Why the winter?

As we know, during the winter horses stand in wet fields for longer periods of time which has an impact on the overall condition of the horse’s hoof and frog. An excessively wet frog will become softer than normal resulting in a higher rate of bacterial absorption from soil, at the same time as being prone to damage. Longer periods stabled can lead to bedding becoming excessively soiled, which in turn will again leave the frog vulnerable to bacteria, this is an area for concern especially when deep littered or with a ‘dirty horse’.

Regular picking out can assist in the maintenance of a healthy hoof and frog. Removing debris and cleaning the frog with a suitable anti-bacterial product, will help avoid unwanted bacteria build up which when left, can lead to conditions such as thrush.

The product

Nettex Frog Health works effectively to maintain healthy soles and frogs despite challenging environmental conditions.


The spray contains powerful antibacterial and antiseptic agents that promote hoof hygiene and help dry and reduce discharge from the frog.

Nettex Frog Health is ideal to be used regularly as part of your hoof hygiene regime to maintain healthy hooves even in challenging conditions.

  • Highly effective antibacterial and antiseptic formulation.
  • Will help maintain a healthy sole and frog all year round.
  • Helps support foot health when faced with challenging conditions.
  • Ideal for horses on box rest or living out in wet conditions.
  • Use once weekly or as necessary to maintain good hoof health.

Price Comparison Table

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Nettex Frog Health is part of the Nettex Hoof Care range which will maintain healthy feet, soles and frogs all year round. Tried and trusted.

RRP: £9.50 for 250ml trigger spray

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