National Equine Health Survey, 21-28 May 2018 – Don’t Forget to Take Part

Yazmin Pinchen Supports National Equine Health Survey
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National Equine Health Survey

National Equine Health Survey, 21-28 May 2018 – Don’t Forget to Take Part

National Pet Charity Blue Cross is urging horse owners and riders to show how much they love their horses by taking part in next week’s National Equine Health Survey 21-28 May 2018 . Medal winning riders such as Mary and Emily King and Yazmin Pinchen have already signed up to support it and Blue Cross needs you too.

Watch Yazmin Pinchen speaking about why the National Equine Health Survey is so important here 

The ten-minute online snapshot survey enables you to give anonymous feedback on the health of your horses over the period of a week. The results help to find trends in endemic equine diseases and as patterns emerge they are helping us to steer equine awareness, education and research to help keep the nation’s horses healthier. This year the survey includes some pertinent welfare questions to help guide knowledge in this vital area in response to the UK’s serious horse welfare crisis.


NEHS is run by Blue Cross in partnership with the British Equine Veterinary Association. Dodson and Horrell are generously helping Blue Cross cover the costs of running the scheme. Supporters of the Survey include the British Horse Society, Horse Trust, Redwings and the Pony Club.

To take part in the National Equine Health Survey visit or email to register and take part and you will have the chance to win some superb prizes such as Star Lister Clippers, a Lister Adagio Trimmer and some Burford Ariat boots.