Introducing the Collective Equestrian Scholarship programme

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Introducing the Collective Equestrian Scholarship programme


Collective Equestrian, at Moorledge Lane is a brand new breed of equestrian training and livery centre offering not just superb facilities but also a unique collaborative environment that allows riders and owners to benefit from being part of a genuine collective. Set up by Grand Prix dressage rider Jonny Clarke-West, the centre boasts access to excellent tuition from three highly accomplished trainers with guidance and advice readily available to help everyone achieve their specific riding goals.

True to the spirit of Collective Equestrian, the centre is launching its own Young Rider Scholarship programme aimed at riders aged 12-25 years old.

The scholarship will run August 2016 – July 2017 and offers one super gifted rider – who demonstrates the requisite talent, commitment, determination and motivation to achieve success in the dressage arena – an amazing opportunity to fast track their progress by benefitting from the wealth of expertise and experience at Collective Equestrian team, as well as access the centre’s extensive facilities.

To apply for the scholarship riders need to enroll on Collective Equestrian’s three-month training scheme (running May – July 2016). This will help prepare for the Pony / Junior / Young Rider scholarship auditions at the end of July. This fantastic programme includes:

  • Access to an appointed trainer / mentor during the audition period
  • Twice weekly dressage training and a monthly lesson with Grand Prix rider Jonny Clarke-West (includes quick warm up lunge session prior to lesson)
  • Monthly group training day for all scholarship applicants to include practice tests and demonstrations from Collective Equestrian’s training team (includes lunch / refreshments)
  • Before and after video to measure rider / horse improvement
  • Advice and guidance on general all round horsemanship and focus on the importance of a holistic approach
  • Veterinary / farrier / nutritional advice from Collective Equestrian’s specialist partners
  • Discounted ‘tack check-up’ with Antonia Wills
  • Feedback session for participating children / parents, to include guidance on ‘funding the dream’ / long term benefits of improving your rider skills

The winner of the Young Rider scholarship will receive:

  • One month’s free taster livery
  • Training for themselves and their horse / pony during the summer holidays
  • Discounted lessons and livery for the remainder of the scholarship year

A total package worth over £3,500!

To enter fill in an application form online via by midnight on 25th April 2016.