Hi-Drate, the Grass-Based Hydration Supplement, NEW from Equidiet UK

NEW Hi-Drate from Equidiet UK,
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Hi-Drate, the Grass-Based Hydration Supplement, NEW from Equidiet UK

Thirst quenching, naturally…

Thanks to Hi-Drate, from Equidiet UK, the old saying “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” is no longer the case. This revolutionary, new, 100 per cent-natural grass-based hydration supplement is designed to help quench the thirst and guard against low fluid balance for all horses and ponies – and it’s ideal when travelling, at competitions or any other times when drinking becomes more difficult.

Created by the UK’s first equine nutritional hydrotherapist, Sandra Murphy BSc (Hons), Hi-Drate is made from a highly palatable formulation of quality British-grown grasses, which are an excellent source of plant-based omega-3 oil. It is free from additives, chemicals, GMOs – such as soya and soya-derived products – nutritionally improved straw products and grain.

Hi-Drate provides a nutritious “drink” that suspends fibre in a soluble gel. It appeals to the horse’s natural instinct to forage and, on digestion, is taken into the equine hind gut reservoir, where the horse or pony can draw on it at times of heat, exertion or stress.

Preparation is quick and easy. There’s no need to soak – just add water at a ratio of 2 litres to 100g of Hi-Drate, mix and serve. This naturally wholesome supplement is available in a handy 750g sachet (RRP: £9.99) and a 1.5 kg tub (RRP: £14.99). Samples are available online at www.equidiet.org.uk.

Hi-Drate is the latest addition to the range of Equidiet UK nutrition and hydration systems, which includes EquidGel, EnduroGel and LamiGel.

For further information about Hi-Drate, visit www.equidiet.org.uk.