Expert Bits – the affordable modern way to bit your horse.

Expert Bits - The Comfy Mouth
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Expert Bits – the affordable modern way to bit your horse.

Bitting expert Matt Waterworth is thrilled to launch Expert Bits, a bitting company running alongside he and wife Lisa’s online bit store, Bits n Bridles and his bitting consultancy business, The Bit Expert. With over 15 years of bitting experience, Matt has a plethora of knowledge and advice to give to the modern day equestrian.

So what is Expert Bits all about?

Their plan is simple. They want to create simple bits, that fit and work well with the horses individual anatomy, at an affordable price. Over the years, as our breeding systems have changed, so too has the conformation of the horses head. Old fashioned bits are no longer so well suited to the horse. Over the past few years, this transformation in bitting has seen the development of a number of bitting companies, designing new styles to suit the modern day horse. With this however, comes a rather hefty price tag. Matt of Expert Bits believe that some price tags are simply not affordable for the average owner.

“Expert Bits are going to bring simpler designs that meet the requirements of most horses whilst keeping the cost down for the customer,” Matt explains. “In doing so, we hope to open up the market, ensuring more horses are correctly bitted, to suit their requirements and their needs.”


The first design

The bits are made from a copper alloy, which is strong and durable, encourages salivation, warms up quickly when in the mouth and is considered to be more gentle on the horse than a stainless steel mouthpiece. There are two initial designs that have been launched; the Comfy Mouth and the Waterford.

The Comfy Mouth – £44.99 

The Expert Bits Comfy Mouth has a specially shaped mouthpiece that relieves pressure on the tongue for horses that have large tongues and those that evade tongue pressure. Relieving this pressure can result in softening in the mouth and a more harmonious, responsive horse that is more likely to listen to the rider and accept the aids.
Sizes Available: 5”, 5.25”, 5.5”, 5.75”, 6”.

Expert Bits - The Comfy Mouth
Expert Bits – The Comfy Mouth

The Waterford – £49.99

The Expert Bits Waterford is a multi-linked bit which follows the confirmation of the mouth, ensuring there are no uneven pressure points. This bit is beneficial for horses or ponies that can lean on the forehand. The bit encourages a more uphill movement and enables them to work through from behind, taking them off the forehand.
Sizes Available: 5”, 5.5”, 6”, 6.5”.

Expert Bits - The Waterford
Expert Bits – The Waterford


Both of these bits are easily adaptable to suit the required severity The Universal cheek means they can either be used as a snaffle (with the rein on the middle ring), with added poll pressure (when used on the bottom ring) or can be used with double reins. A curb strap can easily be added when attached to the top ring to introduce curb pressure. This adaptability poses them as the ideal bit for everything from flatwork and hacking to jumping and galloping.


For more information or for free bitting advice, please email