Everything Horse Magazine January 2016 out now!

Everything Horse Magazine January 2016

Everything Horse magazine January – This month we take a closer look into equine Iridology, homeopathy and vaccinations. Renowned racehorse re-starter Victoria Bax leaves her advice on how to successfully restart the ex racehorse in this month’s training article and we launch a brand new feature for 2016! All of this and more in January’s magazine.

NEW for 2016 is ‘A Day in the Life Of’ and we kick start our great new feature with British Eventing Photographer, Mike Bain. We have worked with Mike over the past four years and are delighted he accepted our invitation to allow us publish a little about what he does.

REAL LIFE STORIES: Here at EHUK we love to hear from our readers, this month Sherrallee and Rosie feature as our readers story. Should you have a story you wish to share with the team please email us on contact@everythinghorseuk.co.uk.

You can read January’s magazine by selecting the window pane below alternatively you can visit www.everythinghorsemagazine.co.uk