CrossCountry App to support Mitsubishi Motors Cup

CrossCountry App
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CrossCountry App to support Mitsubishi Motors Cup

CrossCountry App are delighted to again be supporting the popular British Eventing competition for amateurs held at the world-famous Badminton Park immediately prior to the International event, and for 2016, re-branded as The Mitsubishi Motors Cup in honour of title sponsor and long-term supporters of eventing, Mitsubishi Motors.

Working with Badminton Horse Trials Event Director Hugh Thomas and his team, CrossCountry App will supply mapping for the program and digital interactive cross country course maps for the Mitusubishi Motors Cup website for riders and supporters, officials and volunteers to use.

In addition, CrossCountry App will create virtual guided course walks for the BE90 and BE100 crosscountry tracks to assist and enhance the enjoyment for riders, their supporters and spectators alike.   In 2015, expert audio commentary was provided by World Class Performance Manager for Britain’s Eventing Team, Yogi Breisner, with photos and videos subsequently added of riders on course to create a lasting memento for everyone involved.

Hugh Thomas comments: “This competition has grown in popularity so much since it moved to Badminton in 2010, so the Cross Country App is a fantastic way for not only this year’s competitors to see what the cross country course has in store for them, but  also whets the appetite for riders thinking about qualifiyng for the Mitsubishi Motors Cup in years to come.


He added :”The assurance of the expert voice of Yogi Bresiner on the App also will add a little calm to the nerves of the competitors heading to the competition this year who will want to be as competitive as possible!”

The free 2016 digital course maps will be available to download on iPhones and iPads with the CrossCountry App and to view online via PCs, Smartphones and tablets before the competition. Announcements will be made via websites and social media channels when courses are available.

The 2015 virtual course walks with Yogi Breisner are still available to view on PC and/or download with the CrossCountry App now from the course library at

Both the full featured CrossCountry App and Lite version are available to download from the App Store.  For further details about CrossCountry App please visit the CrossCountry App website.