BEF Calls On Equestrian Coaches’ Help To “Shape The Future of Coaching”
The British Equestrian Federation has launched a survey, to “shape the future of coaching” across equestrian sport.
The BEF have called for help from a wide range of equestrian coaches. The organisation request coaches help, aiming to develop the sport to “deliver what you need”. Information from the survey will be used by all the member bodies of the BEF, including British Dressage, British Eventing, British Showjumping, The Pony Club, British Horse Society, Riding for Disabled Association, British Reining, Endurance GB, British Carriage Driving, UK Polocrosse, Association of British Riding Schools and Horsescotland.
All coaches are welcome to participate, from those who are actively coaching to those who are longer coaching. Qualified and unqualified coaches are also being called upon to provide their input into this important development field.
Input from the survey will help decide the future of coaching and how it can be developed to support the riding community. It has been highlighted to the BEF that more and more coaches are requiring help when working with disabled clients. Therefore, the survey has a specific section on disabled coaching. The BEF has also further spotlighted the need for coaches who have disabled clientele, to participant in the study to further their findings.
Input toward this study does not go unrecognised, with participants receiving the chance of winning a Team GBR Musto Apexia Fleece.
All information provided to this study will be submitted anonymously, however, an email address is required for the prize draw. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
To help the improvement across coaching across the equestrian sport, take part in to survey here.

Journalist and News Reporter, Everything Horse
Reporting on equestrian news stories, Abby also produces a variety of engaging content for the magazine.