Another Mammoth Event for Your Horse Live

Another Mammoth Event for Your Horse Live

The 2016 Your Horse Live failed to disappoint as tens of thousands of visitors flocked to the Stoneleigh Park Shopping extravaganza for another year.

If you’ve ever been you’ll know that it’s not for the faint hearted shopper; expect to be wowed with the sheer volume of equestrian businesses set up for this once a year equestrian masterpiece. Over 350 stands featuring saddlery, tack, equipment, gifts, feed/supplements, alternative therapies and more all set up for a busy weekend of non stop action.

Your Horse Live 2016
Your Horse Live 2016

The BETA and demonstration arenas continue to draw huge crowds as favourites such as Geoff Billington, Charlotte Dujardin, Jason Webb and Jay Halim were on hand with a selection of their current rides to help out with schooling issues, training ideas and horsemanship advice.

Lorenzo wowed crowds and drew huge cheers as he demonstrated his unique ability to communicate with his team of equines, in such a way which left most thinking almost anything is possible with the right training and approach!


Taking time out of their daily schedule the riders stopped in for a signing session too. Geoff Billington was his usual charasmatic self as he was accompanied on his signing with his team of young riders.

Geoff Billington and team of your riders during signing

New for this year was Saturday’s evening performance featuring possibly one of the worlds most recognised equestrians, Monty Roberts.

High-Viz brand Equisafety were as busy as ever as we stopped in “It’s been so busy, we’ve sold so many of the rugs, our stand sides are almost empty” said Catherine as she showcased the new 2016 luxury collection for the brand. “We’ve taken so many pre-orders, I’m so excited for our official launch of the new range at Olympia in December”

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Hippo Showers drew a great crowd where they showcased their multi coloured mobile and wall mounted shower units for horses. We enjoyed a quick demo of the mobile shower before continuing to browse the huge selection of stands throughout the five shopping halls!

There was plenty of places to stop and fuel up, from baked potatoes to doughnuts the outdoor food village covered it all.

This year’s Your Horse Live was as busy as ever. Crowds retired at the end of the day to the free coach transport to take them back to the car park, each with big smile on their face. Talk on the short coach trip soon turned to general chatter on what visitors had bought and how much they enjoyed this years event….