The Most Beautiful Horse in Great Britain Award

The Most Beautiful Horse in Great Britain Competition
Everything Horse Magazine advertisement
Everything Horse Magazine advertisement

The Most Beautiful Horse in Great Britain Award

Club Cavallo Italia is a world for those who love horses, those who love elegance and the beauty of this animal (but we do not like to call it an animal). “We at Club Cavallo Italia have set out to discover the most beautiful horse in Great Britain with the competition – The Most Beautiful Horse in Great Britain! Facebook users will decide the most beautiful horse with their LIKE! via our page”

Partecipate with your horse (…or tell someone who has a horse): it’s very easy. You just have to take a picture, even with your smartphone, of your most beautiful horse and follow the directions you find here:

Up for grabs awards, watches and jewelry and prizes also for the equestrian center!

Do not waste time … send your photo now, visit