Update to British Eventing protective headwear rules

British Eventing - Image credit Mike Bain

Update to British Eventing protective headwear rules

British eventing protective headwear rule update, important please read.

British Eventing (BE) rules relating to the cross country requirements for protective headwear have been reviewed following recent events.  This specifically relates to the wording in rule 7.2.3 “having no peak, peak type extensions or noticeable protuberances above the eyes or to the front”.  British Eventing has been made aware of a specific part of the permitted standards that permits a small, smooth protuberance to the front of a hat, but not a peak.

BE has sought independent expert advice and it was concluded that a small “protuberance” that is smooth and rounded in nature would pose no additional safety risk. After carefully reviewing our current rules and the information and advice from industry experts, an updated version of rule 7.2.3 was submitted to the BE Risk Management and Sport Committees for their consideration.

This rule revision has been agreed by both Committees and therefore, with immediate effect, rule 7.2.3 will be updated to the following:

7.2.3 ‘Cross Country Protective Headwear’ is a “Jockey Skull” of an even round or elliptical shape with a smooth or slightly abrasive surface, having no peak or peak type extensions.  Noticeable protuberances above the eyes or to the front not greater than 5mm, smooth and rounded in nature are permitted.  It must also comply with the ‘Protective Headwear’ criteria and be tagged as set out above. A removable hat cover with a light flexible peak may be used. 

BE Sport Operations Manager, Chris Farr, commented; “In 2015 the permitted standards changed quite considerably and to ensure all members, manufacturers and retailers were aware of the changes the 2016 rules were published in early July last year through all media channels, including leaflets given to each member at BE events during the middle of the season.

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“The BE rules are, first and foremost, there for the safety of our competitors and horses and, having sought independent expert advice, we have made the decision to amend the wording to rule 7.2.3.

“We encourage all members to carefully read the rules and regularly check their protective headwear and body protector, however please do not hesitate to contact British Eventing if you have any queries.”

The 2016 Members’ Handbook can be found on the BE website HERE, please contact sport@britisheventing.com for any queries regarding BE rules.

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