Equi-Pole partner with JSW to help bring polework layouts to life!

Equi-Pole and JSW Join Forces
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Equi-Pole partner with JSW to help bring polework layouts to life!

There is yet more expansion to report for JSW 4 Jumps Ltd as they announce their partnership with Equi-Pole – The Polework App launched 2020.

BHS and UKCC qualified coach, Leanne Cunningham, developed the App during the first Covid-19 national lockdown as restrictions halted her busy teaching schedule – though the idea had been in the planning for quite some time.

The Equi-Pole App is available to download on iOS and Android for only £3.99. The App includes easy to use diagrams, coaching notes, fun challenges and instructions (aids) on how to perform exercises including rein back, leg yield and shoulder in. All Equi-Pole layouts are adaptable depending on skill and level. The layouts range from beginner to professional; providing something for everybody, and horse, no matter what the level.

Leanne explains:

I had been wanting to develop a polework specific App for a couple of years to provide unique layouts and exercises as well as a library of helpful tips and coach notes to help both horse and rider get the best out of their polework session.  I think it’s easy to see that Polework is my passion!

I think that it is the most versatile tool that can be introduced no matter what the discipline or level someone rides at.  Having run polework clinics/lessons for numerous years, I can’t stress enough how important it is to have the right tools for the job!

I am absolutely delighted to be working with the amazing team at JSW 4 Jumps – their products are not only fun and user friendly but reliable and safe – what more could you ask for?!”

Emma Watkinson, Managing Director at JSW 4 Jumps Ltd is a huge fan of the App (and polework!) and is thrilled to welcome Leanne on board:

Leanne is so driven and passionate about all things polework – the fact that the Equipole App shot to number 1 in the download charts on both Google and Apple is testament to this – we are the perfect partnership!”

Further info on the partnership at www.jsw4jumps.co.uk or visit Equi-Pole’s Facebook Page

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