Horse Flies: What’s The Issue?

Horse Flies what's the issue

Horse Flies: What’s The Issue?

Horse flies are a problem all owners encounter. Horse flies bite and can cause irritation to horses. Not only do they bite, but can carry disease and bacteria throughout herds.

Horse flies present the major problems of;

  • Distress
  • Infection
  • Irritation

Therefore, horse owner should do everything in their power to prevent horse fly populations surrounding their horses.

Types of Horse Flies

There are different types of horse flies which effect horses in different ways. Here are some ways you can prevent the different types of horse fly causing a problem to your horse.


Horse Fly (Tabinade spp.)

Horse flies bite and feed on blood, which can leave nasty wounds on both horses and humans. Their bites form large itchy, painful swellings with a pronounced open wound as the body reacts to them. Horses tend to become agitated when horse flies are present. Horses may repetitively twitch, kick at their bellies, toss their heads, bite at their body, and/or flick their tail to try to dislodge them. This behaviour and distress can be un-nerving, especially for riders.

Horse flies are most prevalent in woodland or places near to these areas. They’re only active in the day and prefer bright sunlight. Therefore, stabling horses during the day, especially sunnier days, and opting to turn out at night or provide a shelter, can elevate distress.

If shelter or turnout schedule changes are not possible, fly rugs will also act as a physical deterrent to avoid horses being bitten. in addition, application of a long-lasting fly repellant is advised!


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Midges (Culloides spp.)

Midges are tiny flying insects that congregate near standing water and damp conditions to lay their eggs. Therefore, midges are most prevalent in these damp conditions, and on humid days. The adult midges feed in swarms, especially at dawn and dusk, which can result in rashes of multiple tiny bite wounds.

Causing irrupting rashes in both horses and humans, some horses suffer worse than others. An allergic response to the bites of midges in horses is called ‘sweet itch’. Sweet itch results invites manifesting into itching lesions on the skin, which are extremely aggravated. This leads to horse’s itching uncontrollably and lesions developing into nasty wounds. Sweet itch horses need extra management, such as stabling and an intensive fly management routine to prevent them getting bitten. Ultra-protective fly rugs are recommended.

Remove standing water where possible and in summer season try to avoid keeping horses in fields with ponds and streams. If midges are still a problem consider stabling at dawn and dusk when they’re most active.

Bot Flies (Gasterophilus spp.)

Bot flies, look similar to a small wasp. Bot flies rely on the horse to complete their lifecycle. During the summer months they can often be seen buzzing around their neck, chest, shoulders and legs looking for an opportunity  bite and lay their eggs on the horse’s coat.

Owners should be aware of bot fly eggs on the horses coat. Bot fly eggs need instant removal. Deterrents includes fly rugs and repellants.

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